Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lots of local reps on UBCM Executive

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Editor's Note -- My personal congrats to Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom for becoming UBCM President for 2012-13. I know she'll do a great job, especially with her fellow "partners" in 100 Mile Mayor Mitch Campsall and CRD Chair/Area 'G' Director Al Richmond who also sit on the UBCM Executive

The Cariboo Chilcotin will be well represented on the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) over the next year as local elected officials earned seats today on the 2012/2013 Executive Board. Elections were held during the 2012 UBCM Convention currently taking place in Victoria until Sept. 28.

CRD Director and Quesnel Mayor, Mary Sjostrom will take the reins as the incoming President for UBCM, while CRD Chair Al Richmond is the new Third Vice-President for the organization. Over the past year, Sjostrom has served as the First Vice-President, and has been on the Board for the past eight years.

Chair Al Richmond has served on the UBCM Executive since 2008 when he was first elected as the Regional District Representative. He has held this position for the past four years.

District of 100 Mile House Mayor and CRD Director Mitch Campsall will become the North Central Local Government Association representative on the committee. Earlier this year, during the NCLGA convention held in 100 Mile House, Campsall was elected as the President of the NCLGA Board of Directors.

Further information about the 2012 UBCM Convention is available online at

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