Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New BC Cabinet...

Earlier today - BC Premier Christy Clark unveiled her new Cabinet (and the one that goes into next year's provincial election)

I thought Margaret McDiarmid as Health Minister was excellent, given she is a physician as well as Mike De Jong as Finance Minister giving he can be an excellent communication on tough files.  De Jong was also appointed as Gov't House Leader.  Local MLA Donna Barnett retains her role as Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Communities while Bill Bennett (East Kootenay) returns to his former role as Local Gov't Minister

Finally - making Rich Coleman as Deputy Premier was a bold move as Coleman is referred to often as "Mr. Fixit".  Hopefully - he can help us BC Liberals get a 4th term... :)

Last word goes to BC Premier Christy Clark:

“Our government is delivering for British Columbians. This new cabinet brings a renewed commitment to our priorities. That means staying focused on jobs and fiscal discipline and continuing our efforts to make life more affordable for B.C. families. I have directed each minister to stay focused on these priorities.”

For the record - here is the list of the new Cabinet and Parliamentary Secretaries:


· Premier – Hon. Christy Clark
· Minister of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas and Minister Responsible for Housing and Deputy Premier- Hon. Rich Coleman
· Minister of Finance and Gov't House Leader – Hon. Mike de Jong
· Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation – Hon. Ida Chong
· Minister of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology and Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism – Hon. John Yap
· Minister of Agriculture – Hon. Norm Letnick
· Minister of Children and Family Development – Hon. Stephanie Cadieux
· Minister of Citizens’ Services and Open Government – Hon. Ben Stewart
· Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development – Hon. Bill Bennett
· Minister of Education – Hon. Don McRae
· Minister of Environment – Hon. Terry Lake
· Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations – Hon. Steve Thomson
· Minister of Health – Hon. Margaret MacDiarmid
Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour – Hon. Pat Bell
· Minister of Justice and Attorney General – Hon. Shirley Bond
· Minister of Social Development – Hon. Moira Stilwell
· Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure – Hon. Mary Polak
· Minister of State for Seniors – Hon. Ralph Sultan
· Minister of State for Small Business – Hon. Naomi Yamamoto

Parliamentary Secretaries:

Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier – Doug Horne

Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Communities to the Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development – Donna Barnett

Parliamentary Secretary for Asia Pacific to the Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training – Richard Lee

Parliamentary Secretary for Forestry to the Minister of Forests, Land and Natural Resource Operations – John Rustad

Parliamentary Secretary for Independent Schools to the Minister of Education – Marc Dalton

Parliamentary Secretary for Student Support and Parent Engagement to the Minister of Education – Jane Thornthwaite

Parliamentary Secretary for Non-Profit Partnerships to the Minister of Social Development – Gordon Hogg

Parliamentary Secretary for Innovation & Technology to the Minister of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology – Ron Cantelon

Parliamentary Secretary for the Northeast to the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Natural Gas – Pat Pimm

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