Tuesday, September 11, 2012

North Cariboo Recreation Boundary expansion dead?

In late May/early June of this year, North Cariboo residents' were asked to provide input on a possible boundary expansion of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Function, given the realities of the population of today

Thus to date -- the proposal has been, for the most part, rejected by those in the North Cariboo that would be affected by the boundary expansion because of how much recreation taxes would potentially rise because of the $30 million (of which taxpayers could be on the hook for half of that amount) North Cariboo Multicentre and the fact those would be potentially on the hook for $15 of the $30 million cost for the North Cariboo Multicentre were not then entitled to a vote on the $15 million taxpayer commitment for the North Cariboo Multicentre in 2008 and thus argue it is "taxation without representation"

Just a reminder that the taxpayer commitment that was approved in November of 2008 will terminate in November of 2013 and should the North Cariboo politicians (CRD Directors' for Areas A, B, C and I & Mayor/Council - City of Quesnel) wish to do so - they would have to get a re-commitment from taxpayers' for this project again to borrow up to $15 million, not necessarily in November of 2013, but could do so at the next local government general elections, currently scheduled for October 18th, 2014

At the North Cariboo Cariboo RD Rural Directors' caucus meeting of Tuesday, June 12th -- North Cariboo resident Magnus Vinje and others appeared before the Caucus and expressed concerns with regard to the proposed expansion to the boundaries of the North Cariboo Parks and Recreation Function.  The Caucus then passed the following Resolution:

"That a report on the public consultation and open house meetings regarding the proposed boundary change to the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks taxation area be presented to the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee with a recommendation that the boundary change not be pursued further at this time.”

The above Resolution was then endorsed by the CRD Board at its' July 13, 2012 meeting

According to a report authored by the CRD Manager of Community Services, Darron Campbell, other reasons for affected residents' not to be a part of the North Cariboo Recreation/Parks Function included:

a) Significant overall cost of recreation services,
b) lack of rural recreation services, and
c) travel and distance to central facilities

I wonder if a possible expansion to the Central Cariboo Recreation Function, as envisioned by CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley to possibly include Horsefly/Likely would meet the same fate, as in the North Cariboo. This possible scenario is something she, Darron Campbell and myself discussed at a previous public meeting for the possible replacement of the Sam Ketchum Pool in Williams Lake

The recommendation from Darron Campbell to be presented at tonight's North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting is:

"That the memo from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services dated
September 4, 2012 regarding public consultation on the proposed North Cariboo
Recreation and Parks function taxation boundary change be received. Further, that the
recommendation from the North Cariboo Rural Directors’ Caucus not to pursue a
change in the taxation area at this time be endorsed."

Read Mr. Campbell's report to the Joint Committee here and responses from affected residents' here

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