Monday, September 10, 2012

Pat Bell's Top Ten - Sept 10th

1. In the last year BC created 51,700 new jobs. In the #2 spot was Alberta with 43,300 and in a distant 3rd Quebec was 24,500.

2. Last month alone there were 14,900 new jobs in BC which brought our unemployment rate down to 6.7%.

3. Youth unemployment has been significantly reduced in the last year as well dropping from 16% to 11.7%, again the most significant reduction in the country.

4. Youth wages are also going up significantly. In the past year they have gained 6.6% to an average of $13.87 per hour.

5. The big winner in terms of job gains was the mining/forestry cluster adding 10,500 jobs in the past year for a gain of 28%.

6. Other sector gains in the past month included Transportation 12,500, Utilities 1,700, Accommodation and Food Services 3,700 and Agriculture 1,800.

7. Another significant area of job growth over the past year has been the Manufacturing sector with the addition of 17,800 jobs since August of 2011.

8. One of the most exciting pieces of information was the fact that Prince George is now at 51,800 jobs, that’s up from last month 50,600 and one of only half a dozen months in our history where we have exceeded 50,000 jobs.

9. Kamloops was another strong growth area with and additional 800 jobs as was Vernon (800) and Kelowna (1,200).

10. In the last year Canada has added 176,600 jobs meaning that BC has accounted for 29% of all Canadian job growth.

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