Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quesnel Council Business - Sept 17th

For those in Quesnel - your City Council will be considering the following noteworthy items:

1) In-Camera Procedure - in light of misintrepretations around what business ought to be considered by Quesnel Council behind closed doors... often the 3 so-called "L's" are quoted in Labour, Land and Legal.  Quesnel Administrator Byron Johnson writes an excellent report on In-Camera Procedures & the City of Quesnel and notes that Quesnel Council may have closed meetings under 15 different sub-sections of 90(1) of the Community Charter.  Should be required reading for candidates running for Quesnel Council and a re-read for currently elected officials - read Mr. Johnson's report here

2) New Freedom of Information Bylaw proposal from Kari Bolton (Director of Finance) - Ms. Bolton will propose that Quesnel Council adopt a new FOI Bylaw.  There have been 5 FOI Requests in May, 4 in June, 9 in July and 5 in August which has cost the City of Quesnel $20,000 in unanticipated costs to the end of June 2012.  Read Ms. Bolton's report here

3) 2nd Quarter Budget update - read here
4) Byron Johnson will report out on Quesnel City Staff suggestions around Accessible Parking Awareness Month - read here

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