Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 17th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Council procedures reviewed

In light of much community discussion regarding in camera (closed to the public) meetings and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), staff brought two reports to Council for information.

The purpose of FOIPPA is to make public bodies more accessible, while protecting personal privacy. Public bodies must not disclose personal information: related to medical information; related to employment, occupational or educational history; describing a third party’s finances; containing personal recommendations or evaluations; containing a third party’s name, address or telephone number. One exception to this is payments or benefits provided to employees, which can be disclosed. The City has received 23 FOIPPA requests since May 1, 2012. Given the significant increase in these types of requests, as well as general information requests, a line will be added to the 2013 budget to account for the associated costs, including staff time, legal costs, and audit costs.

In camera (closed) meetings

It is a common misconception that closed meetings are held only to discuss “the three L’s,” land, legal and labour issues. While this is largely correct, there are instances when other items may be discussed, such as confidential law enforcement issues, new municipal services, and setting goals and objectives for the City. Council does not determine whether a meeting should be closed or open; it is staff’s responsibility to determine whether a meeting should be closed under the Community Charter.

The Charter recognizes that for corporate and commercial purposes, municipalities should be able to operate in a fashion similar to other corporations. Without this ability, the City could overpay for purchased goods and services, not be able to attract employees, and be at a disadvantage in litigation. These would add to the City’s costs and have an impact on taxes.

Other News

-Council received the Second Quarter Financial Update. The City’s capital program is well underway, with many projects either complete or in progress. One large project, the Roddis Street rehabilitation, has been postponed to 2013. On the operating side, while some areas are over budget and some are under budget, it is anticipated that overall expenses will come in on budget.

-Council approved two development permits. The first is for a property at 2180 Gassoff Road (Make Traxx Recreation). The proposed addition is 212 square metres and includes a service bay and an open, covered display area. The second is for a 142 m2 second-floor addition at 391 Johnston Ave. (Dengarry Professional Services).

-Council added the Roddis House at the Antique Machinery Park to its Heritage Register. The Quesnel and District Heritage Association asked for the house to be added so the group can apply for funding for building improvements. They hope to set it on a foundation, make roof repairs and use it to display some of the domestic equipment they have.

-Council recognized Zach Boesem for his epic longboard trip from Quesnel to Vancouver to raise funds and awareness for the Canadian Cancer Society. Boesem made the 700 kilometre trip in 12 days. He’s already planning a new adventure for next year.

-Council welcomed the new Miss Quesnel Self Development Program royalty to their roles as community ambassadors. Miss Quesnel Parveen Pannu and Princesses Katey Genereux and Cassidy Knorr will represent Quesnel until July 2013.

Important Dates

September 30 - 19th Annual Quesnel Women’s Fall Challenge
September 30 to October 2 - CCCTA Tourism Summit in Wells


September - Big Brothers Big Sisters Month
September - United Way Month
October - Accessible Parking Awareness Month
October - Foster Family Appreciation Month

Next Regular Council Meeting: Monday October 1, 7 p.m.
Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday October 9, 5:30 p.m.
Next Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting: Monday October 15, 7 p.m.

Above referred to meetings in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St)

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