Saturday, September 1, 2012

Rural Recreation -- North Cariboo

This morning -- CRD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren posted the following on her Facebook page:

Working on a REPORT ON RURAL RECREATION which I will be presenting to the Directors of Northern Caucus (Areas A, B, C & I) on Sept. 11th. The report primarily provides a look at how our RECREATION COMMISSIONS fit into the larger formula of NORTH CARIBOO RECREATION & PARKS and will include the following:

I. Overview
II. Management
III. NCRP Funding for Rural Recreation
IV. Limitations Imposed by Bylaws
V. Ownership
VI. Benefits to residents of being In or Out of the NCRP Taxation Function

I congratulate Director Dixon-Warren for this initiative and I personally look forward to the report, when available.

Too often - I believe the CRD focuses too much on Recreation in the Municipalities (ie: Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile) and not enough in the Rural Areas... I personally would like to see the Central Directors (Bischoff, Kemp and Sorley) do a similar report to the Central Cariboo Caucus/Joint Committee on this topic and redirect more focus for recreation opportunities into rural areas - North, Central and South... to truly allow sustainable and healthy communities :)


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