Sunday, September 23, 2012

Taseko Mines explains 'New Prosperity' in a series of videos

Late last week - Taseko Mines submitted their EIS or Environmental Impact Statement for the 'New Prosperity' mine project, west of Williams Lake.  Read more on this here. Also - the Globe and Mail looks at this issue as well here

As I reported last Tuesday - Brian Battison, Taseko Mines VP of Corporate Affairs appeared before Williams Lake City Council to give an update on the 'New Prosperity' mine project.  He also presented to them a video explain how Taseko Mines intends to negate the impact to Fish Lake and the surrounding water bodies -- should Ottawa give the go-ahead next year for 'New Prosperity'.  View the video below:

Finally - Taseko Mines, in a series of YouTube videos, demonstrates local support for this project include clips from Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook and various business people of Williams Lake and area. I for one am impressed with Taseko Mines use of YouTube to impress support from locals' for this project

View below:

The Rejuvenation of a Community:

Moving Forward:

Making an Informed Decision:

The Challenge:

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