Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WL Council Highlights - Sept 18th mtg

Present: Mayor Cook & Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor, Walters, Zacharias and Bourdon via teleconference

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Cindy Walters - Planning Clerk
Chris Hutton - Planning Technician
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - Manager of IT

Meeting called to order at 6:03pm

Agenda adopted
Minutes of Special Meetings of Council held Sept 5th/11th and Regular Meeting of Council on Sept 4th all adopted


1) Brian Battison (Taseko Mines VP of Corporate Affairs) appeared before Council to discuss the 'New Prosperity' Mine proposal

2) Troy Forcer, on behalf of Irene Willsie, appeared before Council to discuss the upcoming 'Take Back the Night' event

3) Bettina Schoen from the local Suicide & Sudden Death Committee - Can. Mental Health Association appeared before Council to discuss the upcoming 'Suicide Awareness Concert & Gathering'


1) Council recieved for information the Cheque Runs for Sept 6th and 10th

2) Council recieved for information a report of the City's Director of Finance concerning the proposed timeline to address items out of the addendum to the 2011 Auditor's Management Letter

3) Council confirmed support for the New Prosperity mine development, provided that Provincial and Federal environmental standards are met and affected First Nations are adequately consulted; and further, that the Province of BC was requested to ensure all necessary Provincial approvals for the project are granted in a timely manner and the Cariboo Regional District was invited to make the same request of the Province and the local MLA's and local MP be advised of this Resolution

4) Council approved the Revitalization Tax Exemption renewal request from Bharat & Hira Lal, Amol Lal and Ajay Lal for 460 and 480 Proctor Street

5) Council adopted several recommendation for its' previous Budget Meeting of Sept 5th as follows:

a) Staff advertise the complete budget process and highlight the first half (1/2) hour of the meetings scheduled for October 30, November 28 and, if required, November 29 as the opportunities for public input.

b) The 2013 City of WL Budget timeline for 2013 be approved as amended.

c) Staff bring forward a status quo budget with supplementals based on the strategic goals and priorities of Council - Mayor Cook was opposed

d) Staff bring forward budget scenarios for discussion based on a 0%, 1 1/2% and 3% tax increase.

6) Council recieved the minutes from the Sept 5th Budget Meeting

7) Council awarded the purchase and installation of a Variable Frequency Drive on Well #4 at Scout Island to KDH Electric for the price of $55,150, excluding applicable taxes

8) Council pledged continued partnership in the Power Smart Program in addition, it received for information a report from the City's Manager of Transportation and Buildings on the BC Hydro Power Smart Energy Conservation Pledge

9) Council awarded the design engineering services for the CN Rail Pedestrian Underpass to TRUE Consulting Group at a cost of $73,093.69, excluding applicable taxes

10) Council agreed to receive an application for Development Permit #1-2012 from Sprucelee Construction for 3rd Avenue & Cameron Street (where present DFO/Sears Buildings are). DP #1-12 to be formally considered by Council at its' Oct 9th meeting

11) Council reaffirmed its support for the redevelopment of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) as a high priority for the community and requested the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board to pass a similar resolution and the Interior Health Authority and the Minister of Health provide their 60% share of the project funding; and that Council facilitate the establishment of a ‘lobbying committee’, including the CCRHD Board, Doctor’s Association, Unions, Seniors and other stakeholders to communicate the need for the CMH redevelopment on behalf of the community

12) Council agreed to join with the CCRHD (Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District) to meet with the Hon. Margaret McDiarmid (Minister of Health) in regards to the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Master Plan at next week's UBCM Conference and that Council does not support any discussion with regard to moving the CCRHD boundaries into Northern Health and that the local MLA's be so advised

13) Council approved the annual Halloween Fireworks Show & Bonfire on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at the Williams Lake Stampede Grounds - Councillor Hughes was opposed

14) Council agreed to cancel the Fire Pumper tender and the need for a Fire Pumper be reassessed in the 2013 Budget process

15) Bylaw #2165 (Sign Amendment Bylaw) was adopted, after receiving oral input from local resident Elke Reiner, by the following vote:

Yeas - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes, Rathor and Walters
Nays - Councillors Bourdon & Zacharias

16) Council adopted 6 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) Council approve the 2011-2014 Strategic Priorities of Council.
b) Staff bring back a report to Council with time and costs associated with creating a buffer area between the Western Estates resident's rear property lines and the bush

c) Planning & Operations Committee review the on-street parking regulations contained in Traffic Control Bylaw No. 2093 and this item be contained in the 2013 Development Services Business Plan.

d)  That a letter of appreciation be sent to the residents who helped rake and clean up the beach at Scout Island and that the cleanup at the Scout Island beach become an Operational Priority in 2013

e) The Community Corner Partnership be requested to submit a Grant In Aid application to the City by September 30, 2012 and look into applying for a grant through the Western Economic Diversification program.

Mayor Cook declared a perceived conflict of interest, given she resides on Woodland Drive and Acting Mayor (Councillor) Danica Hughes assumed the Chair at 8:02pm

f) the request from Troy Weil in his letter dated August 8, 2012 regarding his proposal to have permission to install City water to his new home from the water tower situated beside his property be approved with all costs to be borne by the applicant and the system be designed by a professional engineer to the satisfaction of the City - Councillor Bourdon opposed

Mayor Cook resumed her seat as Chair at 8:07pm

17) Council approved the "Take Back the Night" event on Friday, September 21, 2012 at 5:00 PM

18) Council received a UBCM Press Release regarding the BC Ministry of Health's public health plan

19) Council received information regarding the 2nd Annual "Shifting Gears" Mountain Biking Fundraiser being held on September 30, 2012 & the community was encouraged to attend this event

20) The letter from SPARC BC regarding promotion of Access Awareness Day 2013 was received and referred to the Accessibility Advisory Committee

21) Council gave approval for the 2012 Annual Memory Tree Celebration on December 2, 2012 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM at WL City Hall

22) Council asked the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area Association to consult with those business identified in the letter from the Downtown Merchant Association with regard to restricting Mobile Vendors

23) Council agreed to allow the local Kennel Club use of the Ball Diamond at Stampede Park provided that the maintenance of the ball field be limited to basic infrastructure and simple turf maintenance and the grass be allowed to grow into the base path areas until such time that the Williams Lake Stampede Association submit a redevelopment proposal and Council consider that proposal.

24) Council referred a letter from Youth Parliament of BC Alumni Society regarding the 84th Parliament to the Junior Council, School District No. 27 and Thompson Rivers University for information

25) Council declared Nov 18th - 25th as "Restorative Justice Week" in the City of Williams Lake

26) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:

August 15, 2012 - Mylene Freeman, MP, House of Commons re Motion M-400 for Septic System Standards;

August 20, 2012 - Village of Granisle re Proposed Changes to Fisheries Act Section 35(1);

August 20, 2012 - Village of Granisle re Support for Increase to Persons with Disabilities Benefit;

September 10, 2012 - Corporation of the City of New Westminster re UBCM Resolution on Smoking Laws;

September 11, 2012 - NDIT Release re Northern Development Funds 1000th Project;

September 11, 2012 - FCM Release re Canadian Infrastructure Report Card 2012;

September 2012 - Invitation to Surrey Regional Economic Summit 2012

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm and after a short recess - Council held an In-Camera meeting in accordance to Section 90(1k - proposed Municipal Service) of the Community Charter

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