Thursday, October 11, 2012

BC Conservative Party now a joke political party?

In the very rapidly unfolding situation within the BC Conservative Party - Global BC Legislature Bureau Chief Keith Baldrey called the BC Conservative Party being a legitimate contender for government in BC's General Election on May 14th, 2013 to a 'joke' and Global BC reports a plan yesterday where John Cummins would have resigned yesterday (Wednesday) but still receive his party $4,000 per month stipend for six months

Read articles here (Global BC) and here (Surrey Leader)

In addition, Al Siebring, President of the BC Conservative Party gives his members an update on the whole 'dissident' situation here

Finally - watch the Global BC video clip below:

As I reported earlier today -- this is more evidence that the BC Conservative Party and its' small base is not quite ready to be a legimate force in provincial politics and consequently, either serving in Official Opposition or Government


1 comment:

  1. ANY discussion from anyone stating John Cummins AGREED TO LEAVE AND RESIGN IS A COMPLETE AND TOTAL LIE!

    This has been vehemently denied by John Cummins --- and by Al Siebring, Party Prseident.

    This is simply more fabrications from a pathgetic / desperate group of individuals who wish to hijack the party.
