Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BC Small Business Accord

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Editor's Note - I look forward to seeing this fully implemented in BC as we know small business has a big impact on our rural communities in BC

Minister of State for Small Business Naomi Yamamoto was joined by B.C. Chamber of Commerce president and CEO John Winter and Kamloops-North Thompson MLA Terry Lake at Lee’s Music Experience in Kamloops today to announce a consultation process with British Columbians for the B.C. Small Business Accord.

The B.C. Small Business Accord will provide guidance to government to ensure that the proper tools, support and regulations are developed to make B.C. one of the most business-friendly jurisdictions in the country.

The B.C. Chamber of Commerce recognizes small business as a key driver of job creation and economic growth in B.C. and sent a letter to government in support of establishing the B.C. Small Business Accord.

Consultations will take place over the next few weeks, engaging small businesses and their partners. This process will be valuable in developing the accord and in forming the priorities of the new Minister of State for Small Business. This document will also build on the efforts of the Small Business Roundtable, the Action Plan for Small Business and the Regulatory Reform Branch.

The consultation process will determine what the small business community would like to see government focus on in order make it easier for business to do business. It will also determine if those recommendations require new programs or policy changes.

Engagement will begin on Monday, Oct. 22. In-person consultations will take place around the province over the next couple of weeks, and citizens can also share their thoughts online on the BC Jobs Plan website: www.bcjobsplan.ca – or on Facebook and Twitter using: #commitment2SB

Small business is a key economic driver in this province, as 98 per cent of businesses are small business, providing 56 per cent of all private sector jobs and employing over one million people.

Minister of State for Small Business Naomi Yamamoto said:

“My new portfolio recognizes the important role small businesses play in our communities and in the B.C. economy and the B.C. Small Business Accord will assist government further in establishing new tools, support and regulations to make B.C. the most small business friendly jurisdiction in Canada.

Meanwhile, B.C. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO John Winter said:

“The chamber is happy to support the government of British Columbia on the B.C. Small Business Accord. Chambers across the province are the voice of small business and this is another avenue for us to bring forward our recommendations and help improve the business climate in B.C.”

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