Sunday, October 14, 2012

Canadian PM on Small Business Week

Courtesy of the Rt Hon Stephen Harper:

Every year, during Small Business Week, we celebrate and honour small business owners and entrepreneurs, whose hard work and dedication create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity, keeping Canada’s economy strong.

“Accounting for 98 percent of all businesses in our country, small businesses truly are the backbone of the Canadian economy, and our Government is committed to ensuring that small business owners have the opportunities and tools they need to invest, innovate and grow in today’s ever-changing global environment.

“This is why our Government is reducing taxes, regulations and red tape that inhibit growth, putting in place digital and transportation networks to increase exports of goods and services, and enhancing access to international markets through new free trade agreements.

“These measures, along with Canada’s Economic Action Plan, are generating results: Canada has the lowest overall tax rate on new business investment in the G-7, and the International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development have predicted that we will have among the strongest economic growth in the G-7 in 2012 and 2013.

“This Saturday, hundreds of small businesses across the country will offer special deals to their customers for the first edition of ‘Small Business Saturday’.. It is a perfect occasion for Canadians all over the country to support their local businesses.

I invite all Canadians to join me in thanking our nation’s entrepreneurs for the enormous contributions they make to Canada’s continued success.”


  1. Gotta love the small businesses. Gotta love all the businesses. Without them we wouldn't have the great economy we have. Wait a minute, don't they get what they get from the land (i.e. resources) because the crown (us) makes those thing available at very good and at times negligible rates. And us consumers of what businesses produce; many of us are just as smart or smarter than, and many of whom work as hard or harder than businesses. Where is our week? Don't get me wrong.....businesses deserve kudos, but, they get alot of benefits others don't like incredible tax advantages, and bailouts, and preferential treatment at banks, and preferential treatment with other businesses.....they have truly created their own class here in egalitarian Canada, and they don't let us forget it. So hey businesses, while you're racking up record profits, bonuses, and absorbing tax exemptions and other taxpayer largesse, remember us consumers, the schmucks you rely on to consume what you produce, the new underclass in Harper's business driven national program. Remember us at the next credit crunch when you all line up for bailouts layered on the taxpayers.....remember us....we're the meat in the sandwich, the foundation to it all.

  2. I'm at a loss for words. I own a small business and I don't remember getting a bailout. Incredible tax advantages? Would you be so kind as to be more specific. Yes we can write of things like cell phones and such but remember that any writeoffs just get taken off our profits which we use to pay ourselves and staff. In a bad economy like we are having right now where most businesses like mine are lucky to break even, these wonderful tax writeoff's are useless!
    You think we get better treatment at a bank? Think again....... most of us can't get a loan as easy as government workers as we have no job security.
    I pull twice the hours most "government" workers do for no benefits, sick days, pension etc... If I don't work I don't get EI, if I need glasses, denistry work, chiropractic services I have to pay the full amount out of pocket so don't start with this S^%& about we are using Canada's resources to get rich.
    I don't give a crap about this small business week, it's just a day put on by the government to make them feel like they are helping us. What is it actually good for? NOTHING!
    Without private business putting everything on the line to start and grow our businesses so that we can employ people and pay our taxes this countries hospitals and schools and all the government workers would have no money to pay themselves so hansomly as they currently do.
    And just for the record I am not saying govermenent workers don't do anything or that they don't deserve fair pay. I'm saying that you get paid every bit as good or better than 99% of us business owners out there.

  3. Well that got a reaction.....Look, small businesses, God bless them, are not what I'm talking about. The 'big boys' that give all the campaign contributions so that 'their boys' get into power and pull the levers to benefit the 'big boys' are what I'm talking about. Do they benefit immensely from taxpayer's footing the bill on so many my opinion, yes. Do they benefit with handouts and bailouts when things get my opinion yes. Do they get preferential treatment at the bank and from other my opinion yes. What is business class on aircraft? What is the business line at the bank? What is the corporate tax rate if not a benefit? When taxes are lowered for the top 1-5%, its a proven fact that the savings don't go to generate more business....they go into the pockets of the the top 1-5% period....nothing comes back to the good old middle class who foots the bill for everything...period, full stop. Without a middle class, this country would be toast, and there'd just be the high rollers in the business class and the peasants. This model is the ultimate target for the high rollers, and it has nothing to do with government workers, non-business owners, or people who aren't employed. It has everything to do with the high rollers and how they control government and everything else. All I'm saying is, 'what about the consumers and the middle class'. There's no recognition for the fact that they are the backbone and foundation of this economic system. They put their money into zero interest bearing accounts for fear of losing it, and then the big boys come along and gamble it away with impunity. Please don't take offense at any of this as a small business owner. I've been one and its thankless work, and it truly is what we need more of. The big boys are spoiling it for all of us. Tell me that's wrong.

  4. Although you make some good points, you are not making much sense. Now you love and respect small business and just hate big business? Did you not post your first rant in disapproval of "Small Business Week" as this is even the heading on the blog?
    I agree that all private business has faults and two wrongs don't make a right but take a close look at the public sector. Tell me that you think BC Ferries, Hydro or ICBC has not fleeced the taxpayer (Including business) for more than it's fair share. They have been in the news every week with controversy. Tell me that every taxpayers dollar spent was done so with their best interest at heart.
    You still maintain these wonderful perks for business. What is business class you ask? First of all this class is not a special deal for us business owners as you may be suggesting. (I only mention this as you are talking about benefits to us lucky business owners) This overpriced class, which is out of reach of 99% of business owners, could also be called the public sector administration or managers class because I'm sure that the bosses and staff of crown corps or the harem surrounding the likes of Bev Oda in any of the political party frequent this "business class" all the time.
    Take a look at some of the union demands and benefits that go waayyy beyond a fair wage and substantially more than anything in the small business sector and tell me that is fair. What you seem to forget is that we the small business owners are part of the middle class. We don't fly business class and we don't get bail outs. We work our a$%es off everyday just like you and yet we still seem to make less and less as taxes go up, wages go up an holiday's get added. When is the last time you saw a union take less than they did in their previous contract?
    If being a business owner is so great, why did you quit? Is it because although you loooved the perk of having a business line at the bank, it is much nicer now in the public sector where you can just take a sick day and do your banking anytime you wish?
    What you need to realize is that every job, including being in business, has it's benefits. They are just different benefits when comparing the private to the public sector. You can't have it all.
    It has nothing to do about being smarter than a business owner as no one is suggesting that. It also has nothing to do with who is harder working as I stress that I think most public sector workers are hardworking and honest as are most business owners but before you place blame on one group you better make sure everyone else is blame free.
