Friday, October 5, 2012

John Cummins backed into a corner?

In one of his recent posts -- provincial blogger Alex G. Tsakumis reports that BC Conservative Leader John Cummins has been given an ultimatum to resign as Leader immediately.  This request is also signed by 21 of the Metro Vancouver BC Conservative Riding Association Presidents.

With the BC Conservatives' in the red (deficit) by $20,000 - the Board of Directors' for the BC Conservative Party must now choose between John Cummins, the person, and the overall needs of the Party, especially if their goal is still to be provincial government in May of 2013 else they will cement the feeling, I and many BC Liberals' supporters' feel, that the BC Conservatives' will pay the role of spoiler and effectively hand the election to the BC NDP and BC Conservatives' must ask if that is what they truly want... I don't believe so but now it is over to BC Conservative party members to decide in the next few months prior to the commencement of the formal provincial election campaign in April of 2013..

Read the detailed blog post here

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