Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quesnel/Kamloops Councils' oppose Greyhound cuts, but not Williams Lake's

Both Quesnel/Kamloops Councils' will be writing letters to the BC Passenger Transportation Board vigrously opposing the proposed cuts by Greyhound Bus Lines Canada.

Read more here (Kamloops Daily News)


Quesnel City Council is taking action to try and prevent Greyhound's proposed cuts in service to the community.

Mayor Mary Sjostrom says they will write a letter to both the company and the B.C. Passenger Transportation Board asking that the cuts not happen or are not as severe as what is being proposed.

Mayor Sjostrom says they may do something collectively as a region as well as she says Williams Lake and the Regional District are also considering writing letters.

Greyhound plans to reduce bus trips from 3 a day in each direction down to two.

When contacted - Williams Lake City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor says that they are no plans, at present, for Williams Lake Council to write a letter like their counterparts in Quesnel/Kamloops to formally oppose the cuts proposed by Greyhound.  The next Cariboo RD Board meeting is on Friday, Oct 26th and I expect the letter from Greyhound to be on the Agenda.

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