Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WL Council Highlights - Oct 9th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Lilliana Dragowska - Planner
Tom Chung - IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Amended Agenda (2 late items) and Minutes from the Sept 18th WL Council meeting both adopted


1) Acting CAO Geoff Gooall sworn in the new members of WL Junior Council as follows:

Alexandra Dickens, Cody Haley-York, Ivona Ognjanova, Jaspreet Mattu, Nikita Rowat, Ryan LaBossiere & Tanner Nickel

2) Harry Nelson, Ken Day, Stewart Cohen & Dan Moore from the San Jose Watershed RAC gave an update of their activities to Council.  Council also asked Staff to report back to a future Committee of the Whole meeting on this group's presentation


1) The cheque runs for September 20, 27 and October 4, 2012 was received for information

2) Bylaw No. 2168 - 2013 Borrowing in anticipation of revenue, was given first, second and third reading

3) Council referred the Cariboo Regional District Solid Waste Management Plan Review Stage 3 Implementation Plan Report to Staff for a report back to Council through Committee of the Whole at its' November 13th meeting

4) Council approved Development Permit #1-2012 (Sprucelee Construction at Cameron St and 3rd Avenue)

5) Council referred the complete upgrade to the traffic signal system at the 7th Avenue and Oliver Street intersection in the 2013 budget process

6) Council approved the Revitalization Tax Exemption application from Dr. Mike Bos / M.A.P. Ventures Inc. for interior upgrades at 232 Third Avenue North and authorization was given to enter into a Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement and Staff were asked to report back on parking issues in the 3rd Avenue block area between Proctor & Cameron Streets

7) Council passed the following Resolution in regards to 1912 Renner Rd:

That Council request the applicant to amend their application by removing the amendment to reduce the rear yard setback requirement for the proposed development and to limit the maximum density for this lot to 23unit/ha = maximum of 6 units; and further,

That Council request the applicant providing additional onsite visitor parking.

Once the above resolution has been acted on, this application will return to Council for consideration of 2nd reading and the subsequent statutory public hearing

8) Council agreed to write letters to Premier Clark, Honourable Bill Bennett, Honourable Mary Polak and MLA Donna Barnett seeking their support for the South Lakeside Drive Widening Project

9) Council adopted a number of Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) Adoption of the Subcommittee report on Strategic Principles for future Fee for Service Agreements within the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Function

b) Fee for Service agreements currently in place be renewed without amendment for 2013

c) one-year agreements for the Likely Cedar City Museum and the Horsefly Pioneer Museum be included in the arts and culture function Business Plan and budget for 2013 at $2,000 each.

d) Update from Pool Task Force
e) An application for $150,000 be submitted for the road access project and the City of Williams Lake submit an application for $200,000 for the replacement of the arena roof; and further, the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services financial plan be amended to allocate up to $350,000 in matching funding required for both projects.

10) Council ratified an email poll authorizing a letter of support for the Denisiqi Services Society’s funding application to the Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council’s 2012 Equipment Grant Program for the purchase of new sports and recreation equipment

11) Council ratified an email poll authorizing a letter of support for TRU Williams Lake’s funding application to the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) Enabling Accessibility Fund for the purchase of a new wheelchair lift/glide for the TRU campus gym

12) Council received an report from Councillor Walters regarding the 2012 Cariboo-Chilcotin-Coast Tourism Association AGM in Wells, BC from Sept 30th to Oct 2nd

13) Council adopted 5 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) Subject to Staff clarifying the questions raised by Council, Council approve the permissive property tax exemptions for 2013 and Bylaw No 2166 be brought forward for consideration.

b) Council approve the permissive property tax exemptions for 2013 and Bylaw No. 2167 be brought forward for consideration and Staff were directed to notify the organizations affected

c) Council adopted the scoring Process for use on all Tenders and RFP's sent out by the City to obtain Fleet Equipment

d) Council begin a review of the permissive tax exemption Bylaws in January of 2013.

e) Approval for a "Building Effective Decision-Making Bodies" workshop for Council by Eli Mina, Registered Parliamentarian be referred to the 2013 budget discussion and, if approved, the workshop be scheduled for January 2013.

14) The Sept 19th minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee were recieved/all recommendations within the minutes were endorsed

15) Council authorized a letter of congradulations to Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom, CRD Chair Al Richmond and 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall for their respective appointments on the UBCM Board for 2012-13

16) Council will write to Mr. Bruce Mack to invite Mr. Mack to present to Joint Committee should he wish to discuss the CMRC Alcohol Policy

17) Council endorsed the following Resolution on community infrastructure needs and funding, as endorsed by the BC Mayors' Caucus:

"We agree that our communities require immediate action to provide stable, predictable, long term infrastructure funding from the federal and provincial governments, to meet municipal needs as defined by each community's priorities. This statement affirms and complements the efforts of UBCM and FCM to address the infrastructure needs of communities to ensure social, economic and environmental well-being."

18) Council recieved the final report of the Expert Panel on BC's Business Tax Competitiveness

19) Council agreed not to forward an application to the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Program after hearing that the Williams Lake Interface Fire Plan Secretariat met on September 27, 2012 and agreed that there are no new programs that they wish to address on Interface Fire Protection

20) Council authorized a letter of support for the School District's School Community Connections program application for funding to continue their Healthy Schools - Healthy Eating initiative

21) Council denied the request of Jackpine Forest Products to waive property tax late payment penalties for 2012

22) Council recieved the Oct 4th, 2012 CRD Board Highlights

23) Council proclaimed the following dates in Williams Lake:

a) November 2012 - Financial Literacy Month
b) Oct 14-20 2012 - Small Business Week
c) Oct 15-21, 2012 - National Waste Reduction Week
d) October 2012 - Foster Family Month

Late Item #1 - Council received a letter from Greyhound advised in a possible reduction in bus services from 3 runs to 2 runs daily

Late Item #2 - Council received a report from the Rural Fringe Fire Protection Negotiating Committee and directed Staff to put together a report outlining the framework of next steps after the CRD's Nov 24th referendum vote

24) Council recieved the Oct 9th Council Information Package as follows:

• August 30, 2012 - City of Burnaby re CFIB 2012 Property Tax Report;

• September 13, 2012 - Ministers' Regional Office Update for August;

• September 14, 2012 - CRD Board Highlights;

• September 17, 2012 - FCM News for Week of September 17, 2012;

• September 18, 2012 - NDIT re Approval of $30,000 for the Child Development Centre's Family Connections Project;

• September 18, 2012 - NDIT re Approval of $5,285 for the West Chilcotin Tourism Association's West Chilcotin Trails Project;

• September 25, 2012 - BC Government Response to BC Transit Independant Review;
• October 1, 2012 - Band Together BC re Recommendations on a Canadian Energy Strategy;
• October 2, 2012 - WL Environmental Society / Air Quality Roundtable re 'Are You Aware?' Special Event;
• October 2, 2012 - City of Cranbrook re Persons with Disabilities Benefit Increase.

Council also agreed to ask Staff to report back on applying to the Crime Prevention Action Fund

Council agreed to adjourn at 8:58pm and after a short break, held a Closed Meeting of Council

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