Friday, October 19, 2012

WL Council meets with Hon. Ralph Sultan

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Mayor Kerry Cook and members of Williams Lake City Council met with minister of State for Seniors Ralph Sultan Cariboo Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett Tuesday.

Following a tour of Cariboo Lodge, Council met with the minister to discuss issues for seniors in Williams Lake, including the state of Cariboo Lodge, assisted living and residential care beds, and other issues.

The minister indicated there is $20,000 available to the City for a project or projects that contribute to a more age-friendly community in Williams Lake. The City will submit an application for funding on a project to be determined. Council also learned that Williams Lake is one of 18 communities that will host a United Way pilot project called Better At Home, which provides seniors with services that will allow them to remain in their homes longer, such as housekeeping, grocery shopping, yard work, and friendly visits.

“We were pleased to welcome Minister Sultan to Williams Lake, and we were happy to hear Williams Lake will have a Better At Home program,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “We have strong advocates for seniors in our community that have been successful in improving services such as transit, health, accessibility, housing and more. We look forward working with them and with the community at large to become a truly age-friendly community.”

Minister Sultan also visited Deni House, Retirement Concepts, and attended the Seniors Advisory Council’s Annual General Meeting while in Williams Lake. MLA Barnett announced Williams Lake will also be home to a DriveABLE centre, meaning seniors can access the program without travelling out of town.

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