Friday, November 16, 2012

6-7% Property Tax Hike on the way in PG..?

In today's Prince George Free Press - they report some sobering news from PG City Staff that, in the outcome of recommendation of the recently-completed Core Review, the recommendations resulting from the review would result, at this point, in a tax hike of 6.45% for 2013, provided nothing else changes between now & May 15th, 2013

The biggest cost driver for the City of Prince George budget in 2013 is its' debt servicing costs, on a debt of $102.8 million, is $2.4 million with City Staff salary/benefits close behind

Read the report of Kathleen Soltis, City of PG's Acting City Manager (CAO) here

Also - read the PG Free Press editorial here

With the formal closure of the Tolko - Creekside mill in Williams Lake and the fact that Williams Lake City Council has committed to the South Lakeside road upgrade in 2013, it may make for "lively" 2013 Budget and Tax discussions...

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