Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BC's 1st Anti-Bullying Bylaw

Earlier today, Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore, Amanda Todd's mom - Carol and local Port Coquitlam businessman Gary Mauris launched the "I am Someone" campaign (see more here) at the Riverside Secondary Gym.  View media stories here/here

Mayor Greg Moore also announced that the City of Port Coquitlam Council would pursue the adoption of an anti-bullying bylaw which would be modeled on the same bylaw in Regina (2006).  There is also an anti-bullying bylaw in Edmonton (2003).

CBC-BC video -- Greg Moore (Port Coquitlam Mayor) announces first anti-bullying bylaw in BC to be adopted by Port Coquitlam City Council:

 I, for one, will be watching this initiative very closely and if successful in Port Coquitlam, I wouldn't be surprised if you see anti-bullying bylaws pop up in other municipalities in British Columbia.

I applaud and congratulate Greg Moore's leadership on this topic and hopefully his leadership on Anti-Bullying will spur similar action by his fellow Mayors' in British Columbia over time...

View Regina's Anti-Bullying Bylaw below: Regina's Anti-Bullying Bylaw of 2006

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