Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bob Simpson on his Town Hall mtg last Sat

Courtesy from Bob Simpson, Ind. MLA for Cariboo-North:

Bob Simpson, Independent MLA for Cariboo North, hosted a town hall in 150 Mile House on Saturday, November 17th, to discuss critical local and provincial issues, including Highway 97 construction delays and economic challenges in the region.

Residents and local business owners shared their concerns regarding the significant delay in completing the Cariboo Connector project at 150 Mile House. A Ministry of Transportation representative provided an overview of the Cariboo Connector project and answered questions from town hall participants.

“While the upgrades to Highway 97 provide safer intersections at 150 Mile House, the delay in completing the project resulted in disruptions for local merchants,” said Simpson. “Residents are concerned about the bidding process for these types of projects, and I’ll be following up with the Minister responsible to identify how we can improve this process to ensure the timely completion of announced projects and so taxpayers can see the maximum return on their investment.”

A primary issue for 150 Mile House residents is cellular and broadband internet access, and Simpson has committed to establishing a forum on this issue.

“We’re going to invite local stakeholders, communications companies, and representatives from Network BC so we can sit down and talk about opportunities for expanding connectivity in the Cariboo,” said Simpson.

Simpson also provided an update on his work preparing for the spring session of the Legislature, and he discussed economic development in the region, including challenges facing the local forest industry and opportunities for expanding mining activity in the Cariboo.

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