Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coralee Oakes acclaimed as BC Liberal candidate in Cariboo-North

Before a gathering of 50 people on a foggy night in Quesnel -- Coralee Oakes, the former two-term Quesnel City Councillor and current Executive Director of the Quesnel and District Chamber of Commerce was acclaimed as the BC Liberal Party candidate in Cariboo-North

Some of the things she wants to work on, if elected include:

a) More trades training
b) More beds for seniors'
c) Work closely between Victoria/local governments to implement solutions for infrastructure needs like water, sewer and the North Cariboo Multicentre as examples

Ms. Oakes's opponents include (so far) Independent Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson and a yet to be named candidate from the BC NDP.  Rumour is that former Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett has been approached to encourage him to run for the BC NDP in next May's election.  The BC Green Party has confirmed that they will not run a candidate in Cariboo-North in order to assist Bob Simpson's chances of re-election and no word yet if BC Conservatives' will run candidates in Cariboo-North or Cariboo-Chilcotin, but the chances of a BC Conservatives' candidate in the two Cariboo ridings are looking more and more remote as we inch closer to April 13th, 2013 (start of race - 40th General Election of British Columbia)

The candidate selection meeting for Donna Barnett (BC Liberals' MLA - Cariboo-Chilcotin) will be on Wednesday, November 21st in Williams Lake

Just like in 2009 - I'm looking forward to Ms. Oakes and Ms Barnett & their campaign teams working together to elect a BC Liberal Team in Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin


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