Thursday, November 15, 2012

CRD Finance Committee Mtg #2 (2013 CRD Budget)


Chair J. Glassford and Directors Armstrong, Dixon-Warren, Massier, Bischoff, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Mernett, Rattray, Sharpe, Cook, Campsall and Alternate Director Roodenburg (Quesnel)

Staff Present:

Janis Bell - CAO
Scott Reid - CFO

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm
Agenda was adopted

Discussion ensued on the proposed Cariboo Regional District 2013-2017 5 Year Financial Plans for the various Functions

Functions discussed include:

a) South Cariboo Regional Airport - Director Campsall (100 Mile)
b) Central Cariboo HandyDART - Director Kemp (Area E)
c) McLeese Lake Recreation - Director Bischoff (Area D)
d) Bylaw Enforcement - Director Sorley (Area F)
e) Lac La Hache Water/Streetlighting - Director Richmond (Area G)
f) Central Cariboo Arts/Culture - Directors' Sorley/Bischoff (Areas D/F)
g) Central Cariboo Search and Rescue - Director Bischoff (Area D)
h) 108 Mile Fire Protection - Director Richmond (Area G)
i) 150 Mile House Fire Protection - Director Sorley (Area F)
j) Emergency Planning (all EA's) - Director Bischoff (Area D)
k) EA Administration - Director Bischoff (Area D)

Committee Resolutions:

1) Resolved -- Increase the 2013 McLeese Lake Recreation Facilities budget to $18,500
2) Resolved -- 108 Mile Fire Protection tax rate to be held at $47.82 per $100,000 of property assessment
3) Resolved -- All proposed 2013-17 Financial Plans, except Central Cariboo Arts/Culture, BE APPROVED

4) Resolved -- the 2013-17 Central Cariboo Arts/Culture 5 Yr Financial Plan be approved - Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff recorded a 'no' vote

5) The Committee received a report of the CAO (J. Bell) regarding updates to the 2013 CRD Financial Plan
6) The Committee received a report from the CFO (S. Reid) regarding 5 year projects to be funded from Community Works Funding

7) The CAO (J. Bell) brought forward an item regarding Capital Financing and how it should be funded (cash vs debt) and the philosophy the Board wishes to follow on Capital Financing.  Bulk Purchasing for Cariboo RD Fire Departments

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 7:35pm

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