Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mtg on Glendale Elementary gets too personal...

Advisor Article - Meeting at Glendale Elem.

Yesterday, the Cariboo Advisor reported on a private meeting on Nov 6th between teachers/parents & School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) Trustees regarding the potential closure of Glendale Elementary at the end of the current school year, in accordance with the Initial Options report that the Board of Education for SD #27 released in late September for public consumption/debate.

According to Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers' Association President Joan Erb - teachers' felt "dismissed, embarrassed and humiliated" at this meeting

Meanwhile - one of the parents' at the Nov 6th meeting reported that a female SD #27 Trustee, who goes unnamed, called their presentation "offensive" and this Trustee went so far as to call the parents who were presenting as "racist"

The unnamed SD #27 Trustee was contacted by the Advisor and deferred to SD #27 Board Chair (and Zone 1 Trustee) Will Van Osch who failed to respond by Advisor press deadlines

The Trustee in question (one of Trustees Guenther, Austin, Boehm or Cooper) should be made by the local Board of Education to publicly apologize to the parents of Glendale Elementary.  There is no need to cast aspersions about a parents' presentation.  Trustees are free to disagree with conclusions' in a presentation but in the 21st century, there is absolutely no place for calling parents' "racist" for wanting to keep their school open, in light of it being considered for closure by the local Board of Education

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