Sunday, November 25, 2012

Politicians & Photo-Ops...

Last Thursday in his weekly column - Ind. Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson critiqued his political peers for using photo-ops to celebrate "good news" announcements, like the recent West Fraser announcement in Williams Lake with West Fraser officials, Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett and Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook, but he asks:

Where were MLA Barnett and Mayor Cook when Tolko announced the permanent closure of their "Creekside" operation?

As MLA Simpson says in his latest weekly column:

It’s always fascinating how politicians jump at the opportunity to get their photos taken when private companies make investment announcements, but they’re nowhere to be seen when those same companies announce mill closures or cancel previous investment announcements.

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.  If you are going to involve yourself in photo-ops as a politician (or an aspiring politician, like myself), it must be a two-way street -- be accountable for the good and bad news in your community

Read MLA Simpson's column here
Read the Georgia Straight column here

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