Saturday, November 17, 2012

WL Council/CC Joint Committee Business - Nov 20/21

On Tuesday - WL Council will consider the following noteworthy items:

1) Janine North from Northern Trust will brief WL Council on Funding Opportunities for Community Grants and New Programs from the NDIT (Northern Development Initiative Trust)

Read more here

2) Irene Willsie from the Violence Prevention Committee will speak to WL Council regarding the Purple Ribbon Campaign (awareness campaign of violence against women)

3)  WL Council will receive an update from the Airshed Quality Roundtable re: WL Airshed

4) Speed Reader Boards coming to 3rd Avenue (near Marie Sharpe) and Foster Way - read more here

5) Latest Housing Study requested by the City of WL in - read here.  Interesting that regarding Cariboo Lodge, the plan calls for the oldest wing to either be demolished and the land sold or demolish/do nothing while the 2nd part be converted in market housing (no age limits described) and CMHA retain its use in the old Heritage House.  Personally, I'd like to see the whole Cariboo Lodge block re-converted in mixed seniors' housing in various forms

6) Beth Holden of McLeese Lake raises concerns regarding the cross at Mckenzie Ave and Oliver St - read here

Meanwhile - on Wednesday, the Central Cariboo Joint Committee made up of WL Council and Cariboo RD Directors from Areas D, E,F, J and K will meet the next day (Wed Nov 21st) to consider the following:

a) Grants-in-Aid 2013 - read here.  A number will be rejected because either they are of a operational nature or because they benefit a specific community.  At today's meeting hosted by Bob Simpson (Ind MLA for Cariboo-North), CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley stated the application from the Likely VFD will receive support while the two from the 150 Mile Elementary PAC (Parent Advisory Council) will undergo further research to ensure that they are ones that the Board is able to support, if they so choose later on

b) 2.5% Tipping Fee on the way for the Central Cariboo Transfer Station - read here
c) Recommendation from the Esler Recreation Advisory Commission - read here

d) Update from the Pool Task Force - read here and here.  Mr. Paynton will also report that the Pool Task Force will meet Thursday to finalize its' report for submission to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

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