Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bob Simpson on School Closure in SD #27

This past Thursday - the Board of Education for School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) with affected parents of Wildwood Elementary which saw roughly 35 individuals

Bob Simpson, Ind MLA for Cariboo-North also attended and he noted:

“well I think it’s patently unfair that as MLA’s we get to be involved in a budget that’s allowed to be in deficit, right now it’s $1.5 billion in deficit, when School Trustees are responsible for always managing to a balanced budget.”

He also had criticism for the local Board of Education as well:

"he felt it’s unfair for the Board to push parents to find alternatives to the Initial Options Report and says the Trustees should be presenting working models from other Districts for parents to work with"

I agree with MLA Simpson in the fact that it is a "double standard" that school boards must have yearly balanced budgets but Victoria/Ottawa can run deficits.  This should remain you of the old saying "Do as I say, but not as I do".  I would argue that, within set criteria, that there are times when a school board or local government (regional district or municipal council) should be permitted to run a temporary deficit

Such criteria could include expenditures that would require running a temporary deficit in order to protect property or health/safety of residents' with an action plan to bring the books into balance within a 2-3 year period


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