Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Censure debate in District of Sechelt

In light of censure motions or inappropriate disclosure of confidential information in the Township of Langley, Fort St John, Quesnel and Prince George - the District of Sechelt has become the latest community to have to deal with the issue of inappropriate disclosure by an elected official and a Motion of Censure

The issue here is, the forewarning to a staff person working for the District of Sechelt that they might be terminated, by District of Sechelt Councillor Alice Lutes.  View an article from the Coast Reporter here

Meanwhile - the District of Sechelt Council has agreed to release its' two legal opinions on the matter here while you can view the Resolution which authorizes the release of the two legal opinions here

With the recent court decision of (PG City Councillor Brian) Skakun v. Prince George (City) and given the number of communities going through either inappropriate disclosure of confidential information or censure motion proceedings - Victoria may want to revisit both the Local Government Act and Community Charter to provide for measures where an elected official could be disqualified from office for releasing confidential information contrary to law, the number of censure motions that may be applied against an elected official before that official is disqualified from office or where that elected official has been convicted of a serious criminal offence (ie: drinking and driving, murder, assault, etc)


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