Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hennig letter pulled from WL COW Mtg

This past Sunday - I noted that WL Council, in tonight's Committee of the Whole meeting, was set to consider a letter from local Realtor Joy Hennig, in her capacity as a Director of the Cariboo Foundation Hospital Trust, with a reply from the City's Director of Community Services, Geoff Paynton in regards to the Trust's rental of the Gibraltar Room for their Gala Dinner held this past November 24th

However, late yesterday (Mon Dec 10th), the City pulled the item off of tonight's Committee of the Whole agenda (information via the City's "CivicWeb" agenda hosting website)

Reasons for this could include:

a) At request of City Staff or Mayor Cook
b) At request of Ms. Hennig

The meeting Agenda for tonight's Committee of the Whole meeting will be:

a) Adoption of Minutes
b) Adoption of Agenda
c) Consideration of request from Maureen LeBourdais (Fraser Basin Council) - permission to paint diversity mural at Jubilee House, as per requirement of City's Graffiti Bylaw (painting of murals) 

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