Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Local School News....

Yesterday, a 16 year old girl was struck in the crosswalk by Marie Sharpe Elementary.  Inspector Warren Brown with the local RCMP that the accident was not speed-related.  View more here

Meanwhile - Sydney Goward from Columneetza Senior Secondary told Welcome to Williams Lake that students', like herself, was disappointed to learn that only Mark Thiessen (SD #27 Superintendent) was present at a "Student Voices" meeting at 150 Mile Elementary.  She reports that none of the six elected School Trustees were present at this meeting.  Read more here

With a wrap on the public consultation meetings into the 'Initial Options' report -- the Board of Education for SD #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) will receive a synopsis of the public submissions received to date on Dec 11th, 2012 with the intention to make final decision on January 22nd, 2013 in Williams Lake and according to Zone 4 Trustee Jackie Austin, a separate Board meeting is hoped for in 100 Mile House to make decisions around 'Initial Options' and possible school closures in the 100 Mile area

My own view is that the Board will vote to close the 5 schools identified in the 'Initial Options' report with Glendale, Kwaleen and Wildwood Elementary in Williams Lake being determined for closure & Buffalo Creek and 100 Mile Jr Secondary being determined for closure in 100 Mile House

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