Friday, December 7, 2012

NDP colludes with BC Fed of Labour to write their 2013 Platform

In his column today -- political columnist Mike Smyth of the Vancouver Province writes on the provincial NDP actively engaging the BC Fed of Labour on what should be in their 2013 Election Platform.

Read more here

Meanwhile - find below the 'Open Discussion' document from the BC Fed of Labour:

B.C. Federation of Labour open discussion summary

Also - Alan Forseth, Kamloops Regional Director of the BC Conservatives' gives his own take on this development which you can read here

Finally - the BC Liberals' have this article on their website "Searching for Dix's Hidden Plan" which you can view here

Unlike the BC Fed of Labour - the BC Liberals' election platform was written by its' own members' which includes BC'ers from many walks of life including business people, ranchers, teachers, etc so we have no need to be holden to one major group like the BC NDP apparently are in the BC Fed of Labour...


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