Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Taseko owes $400,000 to Ottawa

In yesterday's Vancouver Sun - reporter Larry Pynn reports that Taseko Mines owes $392,694 from the original 'Prosperity' environmental review to Ottawa, although they aren't charging interest on that... so far

In defence, Brian Battison of Taseko Mines says:

It is a “normal routine course of business” for review panels to issue requests for further information on complex environmental-impact statements.

“They don’t look difficult to answer,". “We’re beavering away on them now. I don’t see anything that requires additional study or field work. It’s more a matter of clarifying the material already there.”

As for outstanding funds owed to cover costs incurred by the federal panel during the first review, Battison says it would be paid in due course. “It’s expensive,” he noted. “We’ve paid a lot of it off. There is no deadline that we’ve been aware of. We’ll pay as we can and as we’re doing.”

Read more here

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