Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Taseko receives 50 Information requests from Fed. Review Panel

In what Taseko Mines calls "routine work" - the Federal Review Panel has issued 50 Information Requests or IR's on its' EIS or Environment Impact Statement.  Read the letter from the Panel below:

Letter from Federal Review Panel

Meanwhile - the City of Williams Lake issued its' own press release on the same subject. Not sure what the real reason for this press release was as the City doesn't have any stake in this project except to become a "cheerleader" for the project and see its' approval in 2013 by Ottawa

Read the press release below:

The City of Williams Lake would like to reinforce the message that the New Prosperity federal review process is moving forward, despite an Information Request from the federal panel reviewing the project and recent media coverage.

The federal panel has stopped the “clock” that tracks the 12 months of government review time while Taseko Mines responds to the information request, but it will be restarted once the request is fulfilled. Information Requests are a normal part of the federal review panel process, and do not indicate that the project has been denied or that it will be denied.

“It’s very important to have correct information about this process,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “This latest Information Request from the Review Panel is part of the business of reviewing a project of this size. Thousands and thousands of pages of information have been submitted, and it is not surprising that the panel may need clarification on some items. The clock has stopped, but it will be restarted. This review is moving forward, and we look forward to the next steps in the review process.”

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