Friday, December 14, 2012

TNG says 'New Prosperity' mine proposal "shoddy"

Over at Welcome to Williams Lake - TNG Tribal Chair Joe Alphonse says Taseko Mines Ltd should do everyone a favour and withdraw their "shoddy" proposal

Xeni Gwet'in First Nations' Chief Marilyn Baptiste joins in and says:

Well, the Panel and the governments have now said there are serious deficiencies in those claims. It seems to us that the company has put its efforts into pushing through a second proposal as fast as it can, without doing the homework to see if it can actually back up its proposal".

Read the article here

Meanwhile - the latest call by the TNG will not, in my view, stop Taseko Mines from pushing ahead to get 'New Prosperity' approved by Ottawa.  This also applies to major supporters of 'New Prosperity' including Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook and her City Council and largely the business community in Williams Lake


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