Saturday, December 15, 2012

WL Council Business - Dec 18th


1) Cariboo Men's Choir to sing Christmas Songs
2) Ind. Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson to present Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award to local


1) Council to adopt 2013 Provisional Budget - no document link to provide as of this writing

2) Changes to Junior Council Terms of Reference - view here
3) Pursuit of Free Crown Land Grant at WL Regional Airport - read here
4) WL Stampede Association wants to enlarge fenced area by Grandstands - read here
5) Bill Davidson wants 4 way stop at 2nd Ave and Cameron Street (by Marie Sharpe School and CP Electronics) - read here

And finally - WL Council will receive for public information In-Camera Rpt #15 as follows:

Moved and Seconded

“That Council enter into a 1 year agreement with the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) to provide fire protection to those areas of D, E, and F based on the maximum requisition indicated in the Regional District’s Bylaw and further, prior to the expiration of this agreement, the City and CRD enter into discussions for renewal of fire protection services.”

Three things to note:

1) Before Dec 11th when the above In-Camera motion was passed -- Mayor Cook was insisting that WL Council can not change its' negotiating stance as it related to the CRD Rural Contracted Fire Protection Function as the offer the City made during negotiations in September is what the CRD acted on and it had no deadline which is why Acting City CAO Geoff Goodall insisted to Councillor Ivan Bonnell - if he wanted to change the City's offer for rural fringe fire protection, then Council must contact the City lawyer for legal advice and direction

2) I hope WL City Council did contact its' lawyer prior to passing this motion because if it didn't - it may have, in my view, compromised the City's position in court, should the Cariboo Regional District initiate legal proceedings on this matter against the City (note - I did say yesterday the CRD had, in my opinion, a strong legal case to pursue against the City)

3) Comments from Welcome to Williams Lake's Facebook page tell me that if City of WL elected officials show up to the CRD's public meeting on rural fire protection in early Jan 2013, they'll be at the receiving end of some serious public anger from those in the CRD Rural Fringe areas like Esler,North Lakeside Dr, etc:

a) Huh, well I will definitely be at that meeting, the fukers, we have been paying for fire protection services for over 50 fukin years, hell the residences of Chicotin Road, Dog Creek Road, South Lakeside bought a goddamnn fire truck of their own back in 1960 and them turned it over to the town in 62 as Williams Lake needed another one, and this it how the city is today, I'll definitely be at that fukin meeting open house in January, ...

b) City should just say screw you's were going do what ever we ----ing feel like doing anyway-if you dont like it move. AT least then you would know where you stand. Make a point! they make a bylaw to meet there need. I dont mean to be rude but come on Who put them in office and to whom are they working for. Its like town ppl say one thing and city dose the what ever they want .Granted I dont know a lot about this but over the years its getting worse and worse.

c) Wow......what a turncoat! It's not like we aren't paying for the service! And it's not like we have 2 or 3 fires a day! Explain your actions City of Williams Lake!

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