Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WL Council Highlights - Dec 4th mtg

Present - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO/GM of Planning and Ops
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Anne Burill - Manager of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 6:10pm

Agenda (with 5 Late In-Camera reports) approved
Minutes of Nov 20th WL Council approved


1)Tsilhqot'in National Government Chiefs appeared before Council to discuss 'New Prosperity' with the following occurring:

a) TNG Drummers
b) Welcome by Cecil Grinder
c) Welcome by Chief Ann Louie, T'exelc
d) Speaker #1 - Chief Marilyn Baptiste, Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government
e) Speaker #2 - Grand Chief Stewart Phillip of the BC Union of Indian Chiefs'
e) Speaker #2 - TNG Tribal Chair and Chief Joe Alphonse of Tl'etinqox-t'in

2) Mark Thiessen (SD #27 Superintendent) along with SD #27 Trustees Jackie Austin, Sheila Boehm and Dr. Doug Neufeld appeared before Council to discuss the 'Initial Options' report


1) Council established its' 2013 Meeting schedule as follows:

January 8 & 22                              July 2 & 16
February 5 & 19                             August 13 & 27
March 5 & 19                                September 10 & 24
April 9 & 23                                   October 8 & 22
May 7 & 21                                   November 5 & 19
June 4 & 18                                   December 3 & 17

2) Council received for information Mayor Cook's Council appointments for 2013 - read the appointment list here

3) Council re-appointed Mayor Cook as Cariboo RD Director for Williams Lake with Councillor Sue Zacharias as the Alternate Director

4) Council set its' 2013 Acting Mayor schedule as follows:

January - Councillor Ivan Bonnell                 July - Councillor Ivan Bonnell
February - Councillor Geoff Bourdon            August - Councillor Geoff Bourdon
March - Councillor Danica Hughes              September - Councillor Danica Hughes
April - Councillor Surinderpal Rathor            October - Councillor Surinderpal Rathor
May - Councillor Laurie Walters                  November - Councillor Laurie Walters
June - Councillor Sue Zacharias                  December - Councillor Sue Zacharias

5) Council proclaimed January 2nd, 2013 as 'Wrestling Day' in the City of Williams Lake, as per City Policy #115

Opposed: Councillor Hughes

6) Council received the Cheque Listings for the periods ending Nov 22/29, 2012

7) Council adopted the 2013 Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting schedule
8) Council received/approved 2013 Grants-in-Aide as follows:

Canadian Mental Health Association = $1,000
Williams Lake Saturday Market Association = $333
Cariboo Direct Farm Market Association = $367
Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area Association = $8,000
Royal Canadian Legion = $16,299

TOTAL = $25,999

apportioned equally between Electoral Areas D, E, and F in the amount of $7,799.70, to be combined with a contribution from the City of Williams Lake in the amount of $18,199.30 pursuant to Section 4(a) of Schedule A5 - Grant in Aid Agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake

9) Council agreed to refer back to Central Cariboo Joint Committee a Grant-in-Aide application by the Blue Fins Swim Club for reconsideration

Opposed - Councillor Bourdon

10) Council agreed to request CRD Directors' to attend Central Cariboo Joint Committee meetings, or in the alternative, that their Alternate do so in order to satisfy quorum requirements of the Joint Committee

Opposed - Councillor Bourdon

11) Council authorized Staff ro proceed with renewal of the current HVAC Maintenance service contract with Horizon Climate Controls for an additional one (1) year at a cost of $14,330.75.

12) CRD Staff will be requested to give a presentation at the January 23, 2013 Joint Committee Meeting on the changes in tipping fees that will occur over the next few years at the Central Cariboo Transfer Station and how increases to these fees will contribute to full cost recovery of solid waste handling

13) Council will send a letter to the CRD Board advising that it supports the 2% tipping fee increase at the Central Cariboo Transfer Station

14) Council received an update on 'Urgent or Life/Safety Upgrades for the Sam Ketchum Pool' as put forward by PERC Consulting as well as an update on the Pool Task Force and Councillor Walters noted that the final report of the Pool Task Force will be handed in at the special Dec 12th Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting at 5:00pm in the Rick Hansen Boardroom

15) Council adopted several Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) The report of the Director of Municipal Services dated November 9, 2012 regarding ?City of Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Bylaw No. 2161? be brought forward for the required readings and Staff be directed to create a reserve policy for the Williams Lake Regional Airport; and further, that the respective community stakeholders be notified of the proposed changes and consulted with prior to adoption and that "City of Williams Lake Regional Airport Fees Bylaw No. 2161" be introduced and read three times

b) Council approve the 2013 Fee for Service contracts and funding levels proposed for 2013 as follows:

NOOPA (Boys & Girls Club) - $15,000
Williams Lake Stampede Association (Queens) - 5,000
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake - 15,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Hospice Palliative Care Society - 16,900
Scout Island Nature Centre - 12,500
Social Planning Council - 5,000
Youth for Christ - 5,000
Williams Lake Stampede Association - 25,000
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Water) - 38,600
Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society (Solid Waster) - 24,500
Tourism Discovery Centre - 155,000
Community Policing Committee - 15,000

TOTAL - $332,500

c) The Finance Committee review the Fee for Service Policy and contract template in January 2013 and bring any recommendations back to Committee of Whole Council

d) Council support the Cariboo Regional District Solid Waste Management Plan in principle with the understanding that any financial implications contemplated from the implementation of any strategies within the plan that will affect the City will require approval from City Council; and further, that through the Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee, a steering committee be formed consisting of Councillors Zacharias/Bonnell for the City of Williams Lake, two (2) elected representatives for the Cariboo Regional District and two (2) members of Staff for each local government body to assist in the implementation of the objectives of the Solid Waste Management Plan

16) Council received the Minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting held November 21st, 2012

17) Council received a letter from the Williams Lake Community Band dated November 26, 2012 requesting the waiving of the janitorial service fee for their use of the Council Chambers on December 14, 2012 for their annual Christmas concert, pursuant to Policy No. 96, and the $50 janitorial fee will be waived

18) Council received a follow-up letter from Kim Herdman dated November 21, 2012 regarding the placement of a speed reader board on Third Avenue fronting Marie Sharpe be received and Ms. Herdman will be advised that the intent of placing the speed reader board is to gather data which will be brought back to Council in the Spring for further consideration.

19) Council brought forward from In-Camera 4 items as follows:

a) Harm Reduction Strategy - Executive Committee of Council to develop and report back to Council

b) Access to Dairy Fields - Staff to develop strategy to restrict vehicle access
c) Re-instate CourtWatch program through Community Policing
d) Prolific Offender Program - meet with both Provincial/Federal Crown Counsels and also the Federal and Provincial Justice Ministers with regards to funding

20) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• November 12, 2012 - Ministry of Community, Sport & Cultural Development re Woodland Drive Infrastructure and Aging Recreation Facility Grant Opportunities Discussed at UBCM;
• November 20, 2012 - Gold Fields Horsefly Exploration Fall 2012 Community Newsletter;
• November 20, 2012 - Letter from Fort St. John re Canada Post's Proposed Community Mail Box Installation Fees;
• November 21, 2012 - Pitch-In BC re Pitch-In BC Week 2012 & Municipal Patron Registration Information;
• November 26, 2012 - CRD News Release re Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Referendum Results
• November 26, 2012 - Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure re South Lakeside Drive Widening Project.

After a brief recess, Council resumed its' In-Camera meeting and the public meeting of Council adjourned at 8:55pm

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