Thursday, January 10, 2013

BC Conservatives' bleeds more members to BC Liberals

This just out... and this is more news in a long line of news items that shows that the BC Conservatives' are out of gas and will not be a contender for government in May's election

Shannon Kewley, the former co-chair of the 2013 Candidate Recruitment Committee for the BC Conservatives, has left her former party and has joined the BC Liberals.

Kewley made the decision to leave the BC Conservatives because she feels that over the past few months her former party has proven not to be a credible alternative to the NDP.

“It is clear the next election is going to be a choice between a free enterprise government under Premier Christy Clark or higher taxes and spending under Adrian Dix,” said Kewley.

“The BC Liberals are the clear choice for those who want to keep B.C.’s economy strong,” said Kewley. “The Premier and her team have strong new candidates coming forward every week across the province. They are a renewed, united group focused on the priorities of everyday British Columbians.”

In September, Kewley was promoted by the BC Conservatives as being a member of the ‘Friends of John Cummins’ group during their party’s leadership challenges. She believes that it is now time for free enterprisers to unite under the BC Liberal banner.

“My message to small ‘c’ conservatives would be to take a look at the renewal going on inside the BC Liberal Party,” added Kewley. “While I still respect many of my former colleagues, I truly believe the BC Liberals offer the best opportunity to keep British Columbia on a responsible fiscal and economic track.”

Kewley will be actively involved in helping the BC Liberals win the next election.

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