Friday, January 11, 2013

Initial Options Report Update - Jan 9th

Editor's Note - it now seems very evident that the Board of Education - School District #27 will close Glendale, Kwaleen and Wildwood Elementary on January 22nd as their recent 'Initial Options' update and related documents show.  It doesn't seem like the Board is contrite or concerned about closing 5 schools - 3 in Williams Lake and 2 in 100 Mile

The Board of Education has released a media release containing information on the following:
  • New reports revealing public input gathered during the public consultation process
  • Clarifying information surrounding school closures
  • Board still welcomes public input
 The Board of Education of School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) is pleased to have been able to partner with Thoughtstream, a software company that provided their online community learning tool as well as unbiased facilitation for the Initial Options Report public consultation process.  Throughout the process Thoughtstream recorded 4,474 thoughts, with 18,487 stars assigned to priorities.

Thoughtstream has created a website specifically for the District summarizing all that has been heard from the public during the months since the Initial Options Report was released on September 25, 2012.  Full consultation reports can also be found here.  You can find the website at or the link may be found with Initial Options Report - Summary of Public Input.
The Board has also updated its Frequently Asked Questions link on the District website in order to provide more information as to why individual schools have been slated for possible closure.  While the Board has consistently cited this list of rationale in both the Initial Options Report and in public meetings over the last few months, it became apparent that it would be most transparent to restate the rationale in writing on the website.

"The Board doesn't want there to be any confusion in the public as to why individual schools have been proposed for closure," says Will VanOsch, Chair of the Board of Education.

The Board of Education is welcoming feedback from the public until January 22nd.  Members of the public can continue to write letters, submit e-mails or speak at the two upcoming public meetings.  The Board meets again on Tuesday, January 15th at 6:30pm at the School District Office in Williams Lake to continue to discuss possible school closures and reconfiguration.  The Board is expected to make final decisions at the Public Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 22nd at 6:30pm at the School District Office in Williams Lake.

Contact:       WILLIAM vanOSCH
                    Chair, Board of Education

Phone:         398-3800

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