Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lac La Hache Elementary to close??

On Jan 8th of this year at a Special School District #27 Board meeting -- School District #27 Zone 5 Trustee Sheila Boehm filed a notice of motion that, if passed, would invoke SD #27 Board Policy to close Lac La Hache Elementary on June 30th, 2013.  Keep in mind that Lac La Hache Elementary was not on the list of 5 schools slated for closure, as part of the 'Initial Options' report released in September of 2012

The motion will be considered on Tuesday as part of the formal 'Initial Options' discussions at their Special Open Board meeting

If adopted and the school closes - the students' would be transferred to 108 Mile Elementary and it would lead to the biggest numbers of school closures (6) done at once by any one SD #27 Board in the entire history of School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin)

The current schools' slated for closure are:

a) Williams Lake -- Glendale, Kwaleen and Wildwood Elementary
b) 100 Mile -- Buffalo Creek Elementary and 100 Mile Jr Secondary

The exact wording of Trustee Boehm's motion is:

THAT the Board of Education invoke the 90 day school closure
consultation process in accordance with Policy 1711 for Lac La Hache
Elementary School to be closed effective June 30th, 2013.

-- SBF

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