Thursday, January 31, 2013

Outcome of Kamloops Ideas Festival

As a result of the Jan 12th "Kamloops Ideas Festival", the brainchild of Kamloops Councillor Arjun Singh, he reports on this blog "Your Kamloops" - some of the ideas from that event under two categories:

1) What would Kamloops look like, at its' best, in 2013 - read more here
2) What are the components of an amazing transportation network? - read more here

With the City of Kamloops soon to get set to update ts' OCP (Official Community Plan) or "KamPlan" - I certain the residents of Kamloops would hope to see some of, if not, all of these ideas in their next City of Kamloops "KamPlan" (OCP).

Finally - as a suggestion to Kamloops Council, they might want to ask their Staff to contact their counterparts in Williams Lake with regard to the development of our OCP which included "Coffee Tables" in discussing various parts of an OCP to which Williams Lake won an award from the Federation of Canadian Muncipalities for its' OCP development process, away from the traditional OCP Development Process.

By Kamloops using the same OCP development process that Williams Lake used from 2007-2011, I believe Kamloops would be well-served by a broadly-discussed and publicly assented-to OCP which covers a variety of community development requirements (social, economic, environmental, etc) over the short, medium and long term needs for the City of Kamloops

-- SBF

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