Thursday, January 3, 2013

Race for BC NDP Cariboo-North Candidacy...

Earlier today - Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar publicly announced that he wants to be the candidate for the BC NDP for Cariboo-North in May's BC Election.  Former Area 'F' Cariboo RD Director Duncan Barnett has already announced his intention to seek the same nomination.  Unlike Mr. Barnett who had former Cariboo-South MLA David Zirnhelt and former Quesnel Mayor Nate Bello at his side, Councillor Thapar had no backers at his side in making his announcement today

My own view is that on Jan 20th - Duncan Barnett will win the BC NDP Cariboo-North Nomination and Mr. Barnett will face Ind. MLA Bob Simpson and former Quesnel City Councillor Coralee Oakes for the right to represent Cariboo-North in the BC Legislature for the term of 2013-2017/18

Read more here

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