Tuesday, January 22, 2013

School District #27 Special Board Mtg - Jan 22nd


Chair W. Osch and Trustees T. Guenther, C. Pettman, J. Austin, S. Boehm, D. Neufeld and J. Cooper


M. Thiessen - Superintendent
B. Roller - Secretary-Treasurer
C. Newberry - Executive Assistant to Secretary-Treasurer
M. Wintjes - Director of Instruction (Human Resources)
K. Matieshen - District Principal of IT
J. Beauchamp - District Principal
H. Manhas - Assistant Superintendent

Meeting called to order at 6:31pm
Agenda approved (Guenther/Austin)

Question Period (Part 1) - 4 Questions asked re: Closure of Lac La Hache Elementary requesting that the closure motion be defeated and 1 Question asked re: Grade 7-12 "1 School, 2 Campuses" proposal

Superintendent M. Thiessen and Secretary-Treasurer B. Roller presented a PowerPoint presentation on the Initial Options timeline

Motion: "That the Board adopt the 'Initial Options' Report as a long term capital plan" (Guenther/Austin)

Debate by Chair Van Osch and Trustees Guenther, Austin, Neufeld and Cooper on 'Initial Options' Report adoption and amendments made to the Report

Amendment #1 - That Elementary Schools in 100 Mile be configured as K-7 with Grades 8-12 going to PSO (Peter Skeene Ogden) (Guenther/Petter) - Carried Unanimously

Amendment #2 - That the decision of sale of 100 Mile Jr Secondary be deferred to May 31st - Carried

Amendment #3 - That upgrades to 100 Mile Elementary be struck from the 'Initial Options' report but remain in the 5 year capital plan - Carried

Amendment #4 - That the 'One School, Two Campus (Gr 7-12)' option from the 'Initial Options' report (Austin/Boehm) - Defeated

Amendment #5 - That the 'Initial Options' report be amended to transfer the 'Balanced Calendar' from Glendale Elementary to Cataline Elementary as 'one track' (Boehm/Austin) - Carried

Amendment #6 - That the Initial Options' Report be amended to remove 'Wildwood Elementary' from closure on June 30th, 2013 (Guenther/Austin) - Carried

Amendment #7 - That the Initial Options' Report be amended to set Wildwood Elementary as a K-6 School for the 2013/14 School Year (Guenther/Boehm) - Carried Unanimously

Final Motion: "That the 'Initial Options' Report be adopted as amended - Carried Unanimously

Boehm/Austin -- "That the 1 School, Two Campus Option be configured as 7-9 at one school and 10-12 at the other" - Carried Unanimously

THAT, in accordance with Section 68(4) of the School Act, the Board of Education unanimously agrees to give School Closure Bylaws No. 13-SC001,2,3,4 of the Board of Education of School District No. 27(Cariboo-Chilcotin) all three readings at this meeting. Defeated

The Board gave 1st/2nd Reading to School Closure Bylaw No 13-SC001 (100 Mile Jr Secondary)
The Board gave 1st/2nd Reading to School Closure Bylaw No 13-SC002 (Buffalo Crk Elementary)
The Board gave 1st/2nd Reading to School Closure Bylaw No 13-SC003 (Glendale Elementary)
The Board gave 1st/2nd Reading to School Closure Bylaw No 13-SC004 (Kwaleen Elementary)

Boehm/Austin -- THAT the Board of Education invoke the 90 day school closure
consultation process in accordance with Policy 1711 for Lac La Hache Elementary School to be closed effective June 30th, 2013. -- Defeated

Public Participation (Part 2 -- Items NOT on the Agenda) --- 1 Question around implementation/timelines around 'One Campus, Two Schools' option.  1 Question on PAC Funding.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm

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