Yesterday, Postmedia News columnist Micheal Den Tandt looks into the dumb idea that Ottawa is considering -- User Fees for provinces and other government departments for Canadian Forces' services
The reason I think it should be scrapped ASAP is two-fold:
1) Don't taxpayers' in municipalities already pay federal taxes for services provided from the Canadian Forces?
2) Would the Canadian military refuse to help in dire situations where help is immediately required and user fees aren't paid up?
The sooner that this 'wacky and ill-advised' proposal from the Canadian Forces is shot down by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Cabinet, the better off Canadians will be who will need our Canadian military's assistance - from time to time
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I'm all for military user fees. Just put them all on standby pay, and pay them when they are actually engaged in military work, and then backcharge the consumers of that work at the time it occurs. The standby pay might very well be less than the huge overhead we all maintain now with our federal taxes. OR, hive off a chunk of the military HR budget and use it for aid to the Canadian public, but contract that aid out to private sector organizations.