Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wrong Priorities for Snow Removal?

In an editorial posted on Welcome to Williams Lake's website - they report on an email exchange between local resident Kim Herdman and the City of Williams Lake

I also have heard from many other City residents and I haven't heard one positive comment about the City's attempt at Snow removal

Read the City's Snow Removal Policy here and file an online report on snow removal here

Read here (editorial) and here (Facebook comments - look for  Plowing priorities adrift?)


  1. I'm not saying it's an easy job to clear snow when it's snowing everyday but seriously have the sides of the downtown roads been cleared at all since new years? (Yes I know they did it last night)
    I couldn't even park my car anywhere on the streets downtown for fear of getting stuck.

  2. I would guess that unless the City personally shovels their walk people would still complain they put the snow on the wrong side of that walk. Snow removal is a thankless job and is limited by equipment available, human resources and priorities set by Council. I have little doubt City staff are doing everything possible to get snow cleared as fast as possible and to suggest otherwise is plain ignorance.
