Saturday, February 9, 2013

City of WL applies for 'Interested Party Status"

With a well-passed deadline of September 29th, 2012 - the City of Williams Lake has now (on Jan 29th, 2013) applied for Interested Party Status before the Federal Review Panel reviewing Taseko Mines "New Prosperity" mine proposal - read the City's letter to the Panel here


March 30th, 2012 - Cariboo Regional District meeting - the Board considers 'no-support' of Prosperity Mine proposal from CRD Area 'J' Director Roger William and it agrees to receive his item with no further direction given by the Board

Sept 18th, 2012 - Williams Lake City Council meeting - After receiving a presentation from Brian Battison (Taseko Mines) re: New Prosperity, they adopted the following motion:

Council confirm support for the New Prosperity mine development, provided that Provincial and Federal environmental standards are met and affected First Nations are adequately consulted; and further, that the Province of BC be requested to ensure all necessary Provincial approvals for the project are granted in a timely manner and the Cariboo Regional District & member municipalities be invited to make the same request of the Province and our MLAs and MP be so advised.

 Sept 29th, 2012 - Deadline to apply to Federal Review Panel (New Prosperity) to obtain "Interested Party Status"

October 12th, 2012 - Federal Review Panel rules on groups/individuals who will be granted "Interested Party Status" - read here.  Note - as of this writing, the Panel has not indicated that late applications for "Interested Party Status" will be accepted and under what conditions and there already have been a few who have applied after the Oct 12th, 2012 deadline for "Interested Party Status"

November 2012  - Williams Lake City Council meets over dinner with TNG (Chilcotin National Gov't) Chiefs.  Sure bet 'New Prosperity' was one topic of discussion

Dec 4th, 2012 - TNG Chiefs (Joe Alphonse/Marilyn Baptiste) come to WL City Council Chambers in a "standing room" only WL City Council meeting and plead to Williams Lake City Council to "stand down" from its' public support for "New Prosperity".  No resolution was made after the delegation, in keeping with WL City Council practice

Jan 29th, 2013 - In Committee of the Whole, WL City Council receives letters from the TNG and Fish Lake Alliance asking them to reconsider their public stance on "New Prosperity".  View here (TNG) and here (Fish Lake Alliance).  On this day as well (as noted earlier) - the City of WL applies for Interested Party Status (again - no decision on the City's request as of this writing)

Feb 7th, 2013 - Stone First Nation Chief Russell Myers-Ross writes a "Letter to the Editor" in the Williams Lake Tribune as follows:

I am publicly writing the Williams Lake City Council with the expectation of receiving a thoughtful response. As you know, the Tsilhqot'in leadership asked City Council to reconsider its' conditional support for the New Prosperity Mine. We were granted the opportunity to speak informally in November and as a delegation in December which included speakers (Anaham) Chief Joe Alphonse, (Xeni Gwet'in) Chief Marilyn Baptiste and UBCIC (Union of BC Indian Chiefs) Grand Chief Stewart Phillip. In addition, an official letter was also written to the City. Yet we are left waiting for the courtesy of a response

Instead, without any further discussion, we understand Williams Lake City Council has now applied, after the deadline, to partcipate in the Federal Review Panel as an "Interested Party". This seems to move beyond even conditional support; as conditional support presumes a certain kind of neutrality until after the Federal Review Panel members have concluded their report

Treat us with a level of respect. As such, consult with us in good faith as (Williams Lake) Council members' implied would happed in the future. Secondly, provide a response to the letter issued in December. Third, if (Williams Lake) City Council has chose to disregard the position of neutrality, justify your position before the panel hearings, so your citizens are informed. We ask you to consider the grave concerns the Tsilhqot'in have expressed and to reflect upon Joan Kuyek's latest article: Pitfalls or Promises - A risk analysis of the economics of the TML (Taseko Mines Ltd) Mine Proposal, which relevantly highlights the cost to the public.

Be honest! Do not waste our time again or ignore us or give us a half-hearted response. Stop playing with our lives. You have a duty now to be honest with everyone
View also a letter from the "Fish Lake Alliance" on the City of Williams Lake intention to apply for "Interested Party Status" - read here

I am forced to agree with the central message delivered by Stone Chief Myers-Ross to Williams Lake City Council which is: Say what you mean and do what you say and quit playing 'deceptive politics".  Williams Lake City Council would have been better off lobbying for this project, as seven private individuals, rather than using the full weight of their offices (Mayor and Councillors) for this project.  If that happen, I don't think the proper criticisms of both the TNG and Fish Lake Alliance would have occurred

This is one reason why, in my opinion, the Cariboo Regional District Board made the decision they did, on New Prosperity.  They saw how divisive "Prosperity" was and decided it was for the best to stay out of the public debate on "New Prosperity"

In the meantime - I don't expect Williams Lake City Council to back down and it does seem Mayor Cook and her Council have seriously miscalculated the political risk to taking a stand on "New Prosperity", in light of their Sept 2012 conditional support motion for "New Prosperity"

-- SBF

1 comment:

  1. "Consultation" seems to be a one-way street. Everyone is aware of the several arbitrary, NON-consulted "edicts" issued from the TNG within the past year that affect everyone who lives in this area. WL City council is responsible for the well-being of the citizens and taxpayers of Williams Lake. That is their priority. Part of that is the economic well-being of the city and the area we service. With that consideration alone, council should be "an interested party". "The world is run by those who show up."
