Thursday, February 14, 2013

CMRC to close at 1:00pm Saturday...

Update from the CMRC on Strike Plans for this weekend... from the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex Facebook page:

CLOSURE OF CMRC DUE TO JOB ACTION- Saturday, February 16th, 1:00pm

The Union which represents the City workers at the CMRC provided the City with 72 hours strike notice on Wednesday. The Union has now publically stated that it will be going on strike at 2:16pm Saturday.

As a result of this announced job action the CMRC will have to close to the public at 1:00pm on Saturday, February 16th to prepare the facility for closure during the job action. Should this job action not occur, as publically stated by the Union, the closure of the CMRC will be re-evaluated and notice will be posted here, in the media, and through other means as soon as possible.

Should job action occur CMRC will remain COMPLETELY CLOSED until it is resolved, and possibly for some time after while we get things going again.

This closure will affect ALL programs and services in the CMRC and even those run by CMRC employees out in the community. These services include (but are not limited to)- Arenas, pool, Gibraltar Room, recreation programs, Rec and Roll after school care, Swim Lessons, public swimming and skating, etc..

All planned events, private bookings, ice rentals (minor hockey, figure skating, rec league, etc..), Pool rentals (Blue Fins, etc..), Gibraltar Room bookings, or other CMRC uses will also be cancelled for the duration of the job action and possibly for some time after. All sport group offices, arena pro shop and concessions will also be inaccessible during this time.

Please keep an eye on the media, City and CMRC web-site and Facebook pages so you don’t get caught unaware.

Thank you for your patience as we try to get through this challenging period.

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