Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Kevin Krueger, Peter Sharp and BC Conservatives

In a profoundly disappointing situation to have learned via CKNW  yesterday - retiring BC Liberal MLA for Kamloops-South Thompson Kevin Kruger wrote a strongly-worded missive at the BC Conservatives' over their request to eject Pat Bell from the provincial Cabinet over the process for the new Wood Innovation and Design centre.  Read more here.  The BC Liberals can not rightly criticize Harry Lali for using his constituency budget for partisan advertising while condoning the use of government email for partisan purposes.  Kevin Krueger, if he wished to engage in partisan activities against the BC Conservatives', should have use his own private email... BC Conservatives write on this as well here.  Finally - MLA Krueger's recent act towards the BC Conservatives' does not help the BC Liberals' chances at re-election in May...

Meanwhile, on Monday, BC Conservative hopeful for Kamloops-South Thompson in a guest blog post wrote on Health Care in the Interior.  Read that here.  I agree with Mr. Sharp that health care administration can certainly be lower however he would be well to stick to certain facts that he can "prove" and not make "guesses" like:

For 2013 I am sure at least a few more people have been added to that number.

Mr. Sharp should stick to facts and not speculate in public.  Also, what do BC Conservatives' have against tele-health procedures and practical health-care solutions that will lead to less visits to the emergency room for routine or small health concerns.  This is a great initiative to help with our public health system.  We know that our entire health-care system across Canada has challenges to recruit/attract doctors and other medical professionals to all of rural Canada and the hard work of the BC Liberals, like Tele-Health & use of LPN's, will lead to practical health-care solutions for BC...

1 comment:

  1. A good post as always Steven ... just a couple of points to note however:

    Peter did want to find out recent salaries being earned for 2013 however could not find that information available. Given however every increasing wages and benefits, I suggested to him that the way he worded that part of his comments would be fair.

    Secondly -- with regards to Tele-Health advise. We already had a system in place, and has been for several years now, with the Nurses Help Line. It deals with minor health concerns, or in advising people if they should go directly for medical help.

    Again in discussing this with me I joined him in his concern over doctors providing 'medical' advise when it could lead to a potentially serious misdiagnosis.

    Medical care, other than minor porblems, are not something that should be diagnosed over the phone.

    On this I am in full agreement with Peter -- as would most people I believe.
