Wednesday, February 27, 2013

ourQuesnel ICSP Process reaches milestone

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

After more than a year of research, public consultation, and development, the ourQuesnel: Sustainability in Action process has reached a major milestone.

Today, the draft of the ourQuesnel: Integrated Community Sustainability Plan was released for public comment. The document provides a vision for a successful and sustainable future; describes the community’s priorities for success in the long term; and maps out a series of strategy areas that contain actions of how to reach that sustainable future. It is meant to lead to the development of a successful and sustainable future for the community 10, 20, 40 years from now and beyond.

To create the document, the City used a streamlined process, informed by an advisory team made up of citizens, Council, staff and partner organizations. Public input was received as well at several steps in the process.

A series of Desired Outcome Statements paints a picture of where Quesnel residents would like to see the community in 40 years. The statements were drafted based upon input received from community-wide consultation, working sessions, and surveys.

The DOS fall within 10 strategy areas: economy, work, education and skills training; transportation and mobility; energy, water, resources and waste; food; social and community well-being; ecosystems, natural areas and parks; communications and connectivity infrastructure; buildings and sites; arts, culture, recreation and leisure; and housing and land use.

A series of 2013 actions to help the community reach those DOS are also contained in the plan. The ourQuesnel strategy areas have already been adopted by the City of Quesnel and the Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation in their strategic planning processes. The hope is that other community partners will adopt them and refer to them in their own planning as well.

To view the draft ourQuesnel ICSP, visit

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