Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Two Campus Schools Decided

Earlier today - local educator Shannon Rerie tweeted out the following:

Interesting decision to take school that was built as a Sr high(complete with shop wing) and turn it into a junior, and Jr into Sr #logical?

Meanwhile -- the local School District (Cariboo-Chilcotin) released the following:

On 22 January 2013, the Board of Education of School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) adopted the 2013 Comprehensive Plan that combined the two local secondary schools in Williams Lake into a one school, two campus model. The Board, at that time, also indicated that one campus would be predominantly grades 7-9, while the other campus would be predominantly grades 10-12.

The Board of Education met last night and discussed at length the configuration of the one school, two campus model secondary school in Williams Lake. The following motion was passed identifying which campus would house which grades:

"THAT the Board of Education designate the current Columneetza Secondary School as the predominantly grades 7-9 campus and the current Williams Lake Secondary School as the predominantly grades 10-12 campus, in the one school, two campus model and that this information be released to the public immediately."

Superintendent of Schools Mark Thiessen stated, "Now that this decision has been made, we are looking forward to an inclusive process in reshaping the new secondary school in Williams Lake. It has been a couple of decades since we have seen these types of substantial changes, and we have a real opportunity to look at how we continue to provide an education to our students."
I have to agree with Ms. Rerie - I'm scratching my head at this one... it made more sense to have Columneetza as Grade 10-12 School with WL Jr Secondary as Grade 7-9.  Interesting that the School District, so far, has failed to explain the logic that went into their decision...


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