Monday, February 18, 2013

Update #5 - City of WL Strike

Editor's Note -- with the Strike back on again -- I wonder if the IUOE will take a page of CUPE's playbook.  During CUPE's last negotiations with the City of Quesnel - CUPE took out newspaper ads publishing phone numbers of members of Quesnel Council and asking the public to tell their elected officials to negotiate a fair deal for CUPE members and IUOE could/should look at this option as it could help lead to more fruitful negotiations as City Management is negotiating on behalf of the City, after receiving direction from WL City Council.  Should we still be here in a month's time (end of March) - the City could be into an uncomfortable position with the WL Indoor Rodeo being held in mid-April, usually at the CMRC but could be forced elsewhere if this dispute continues by the end of March...

Read more on this story here (Rush) and here (Welcome to Williams Lake)

Press Release from the City of Williams Lake:

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