Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WL Council Highlights - Feb 19th mtg

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors Bourdon and Hughes (in Council Chambers).  Councillors Rathor and Walters via tele-conference

Absent: Councillors Ivan Bonnell and Sue Zacharias

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Agenda and minutes of Feb 5th WL Council meeting were both adopted

Mayor Cook acknowledged the IUOE members' present in the public gallery and stated that she acknowledges the difficulty of the situation (contract talks) and hoped for a fair/amicable deal for all sides


1) Valerie Thiessen from the Williams Lake Dog Park Committee appeared before Council to discuss the Naming of Boitanio Park Dog Park - Ms. Thiessen asked for permission to name the Dog Park in the name of a business/corporation to assist in donations for Dog Park materials


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending February 7 and 14, 2013 (Rathor/Walters)

2) Council approved Development Permit #01-2013 for Wave Properties Ltd. for a facade upgrade to the Commercial Building on Lot 6, Block 9, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 1553 situate at 240 Oliver Street (Rathor/Hughes)

3) Council approved Development Variance Permit #01-2013 for Ian Gray to vary Section 4.09 (2) (a) of Residential Manufactured Home Park Bylaw No. 631, 1977 to reduce the internal road access right-of-way setback on Longhorn Drive from 3.1 m (10 ft) to 1.88 m (6.16 ft) on Strata Lot 43, District Lots 72 and 8843, Cariboo District, Strata Plan PGS232 together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot shown on Form 1 and situate at 302-2010 Third Avenue North. (Rathor/Bourdon)

4) Council approved Development Variance Permit #02-2013 for Steven Larsen to vary Section 302.2 (b) of City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 to increase the combined accessory building area from 10% to 13.3% for a proposed garage and existing shed only on Lot 4, Block 3, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan 4629 situate at 68 Sixth Avenue South. (Walters/Hughes)

5) Council authorized the placement of 'The Potato House', on Lot 2, Block 11, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan BCP43922 located at 49 Borland Street, on the Williams Lake Heritage Register. (Walters/Bourdon)

6) Council approved the amended Terms of Reference for the Heritage Advisory Committee and Council directed Staff and the Heritage Advisory Committee to establish objectives for 2013 and begin drafting a Heritage Management Plan for the City of Williams Lake (Walters/Hughes)

7) Council received a letter from the ALS Society regarding the 2nd Annual Williams Lake Walk for ALS on Saturday, June 22, 2013 in Boitanio Park & Council encouraged the community to participate in this event (Rathor/Bourdon)

8) Council received a letter from the Canadian Cancer Society regarding a Future Leaders of Change Youth Forum Marketing Brief and application information and agreed to forward it to Columneetza Secondary School, Williams Lake Secondary School, Thompson Rivers University and any interested youth was encouraged to apply (Rathor/Bourdon)

9) Council received a letter from the Honours and Awards Secretariat of BC regarding the 2013 Call for Nominations for the Order of British Columbia and directed the information in the letter be posted to the City website (Rathor/Bourdon)

10) Council received a letter from Lance Marshall dated January 27, 2013, together with the correspondence memo of the Planner, requesting delegation privileges to discuss the possibility of subdividing his lot at 44 Woodland Drive and requested a staff report on the subject.  Council will also request Mr. Marshall to appear at a future Committee of the Whole meeting (Rathor/Bourdon)

11) Council proclaimed the week of Feb 25th to March 1st as "Francophone & French Immersion Week" in the City of Williams Lake (Rathor/Hughes)

12) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows (Rathor/Bourdon):

• Jan. 18, 2013 - Beetle Action Coalition News Release re Rural BC Project The Pathway to Prosperity in BC Runs Through Its Rural Places Discussion Papaer;
• January 31, 2013 - District of Kent re Concerns on Ministry of Health's Draft Public Health Plan;
• Feb 2013 - NCLGA Connector No. 114;
• Feb 1, 2013 - Green Jobs BC re Invitation to Join the Call for a Bold Green Jobs Plan;
• Feb 7, 2013 - Invite to Economic Development Essentials for Local Leaders Workshops from Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training.

Councillor Rathor then made a personal statement in regards to the reason for not being in attendance at tonight's meeting (state of his daughter's health)

Meeting adjourned at 6:22pm and after a brief recess, resumed In-Camera under Section 90(1) of the Community Charter


  1. How nice of Council to be so respectful of Cllr Rathor while they turn their collective backs on their workers, cancelling benefits including prescriptions that they need for life-threatening conditions! Really?? How do you turn that on and off: where do you draw the line?

    Business as ussual as Rome burns!

  2. And WHAT, Mayor Cook, are u doing to make sure there's a fair/amicable deal? Or have u tasked the impossible by saying there's nothing in the budget, now go out there and get a deal!
    The city is balancing their financial mismanagement on the backs of their unionized workers!
    Stop patronizing unionized workers with your hollow words! Put up or shut up!
