Tuesday, February 5, 2013

WL Council Highlights - Feb 5th mtg

Present: - Mayor Cook and Councillors Bonnell, Hughes and Walters

Absent: Councillors Geoff Bourdon, SPS Rathor and Sue Zacharias

Staff Present:

Pat Higgins - Acting CAO
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Kevin Goldfuss - Director of Municipal Services
Lilliana Dragowska - Planner
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Meeting agenda adopted, with late additions, and minutes of Jan 22nd WL City Council meeting were also adopted


1) Captain Claudine Kadonaga of the Williams Lake Salvation Army gave an update to Council on its' recent activities.  View more here

2) Mary Forbes from the Heritage Advisory Committee gave an update on the Committee's activities and also on upcoming Heritage Week Events


1) Council received the cheque runs for Jan 24th and 31st for information

2) Council ratified an email poll proclaiming the week of February 2 to 9, 2013 as “Turn Down the Heat Week” in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy

3) Council approved travel and associated expenses for Mayor Cook or her alternate to attend the 2013 Council of Forest Industries (COFI) Annual Convention on April 4 and 5, 2013 in Prince George, BC.

4) Council agreed to send out a press release welcoming Don Degagne to the City of Williams Lake as the new Chief Administrative Officer

5) Council approved the Lease Assignment for Airport Lease #CWL4600 between MKL Construction Ltd. and Roger and Allison Patenaude for 1250 m2 at the Williams Lake Regional Airport. Mayor Cook and the City's Corporate Officer were authorized to sign on behalf of the City

6) Council received an DVP application (DVP #3-2012 - Dollarama at Prosperity Ridge) and directed the usual notification process take place and DVP #3-2012 be formally considered at its' March 5th meeting

7) Council received for information a report from its' Planning Technician regarding the new referral system for subdivisions to Canada Post in relation to their recent Community Mailbox Installation Program policy

8) Council gave 1st and 2nd reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2170 (Taschuk - 121 Mason Rd). The bylaw will be considered at a Public Hearing on March 19th

9) Council authorized Staff to install a 4-way stop at the intersection of Second Avenue and Cameron Street and Staff notify the affected property owners of the proposed change in traffic pattern, as per City Policy. Staff were further authorized to remove the pedestrian activated flashing lights at the crosswalk on Second Avenue and relocate them to South Lakeside Drive as part of the 2013 South Lakeside Drive reconstruction project.

10) Council received for information the Response to the Cariboo Regional District Civil Claim filed by the City of Williams Lake in the Supreme Court of BC on February 1, 2013.

11) Council received for information a report of Mayor Cook concerning the Cariboo Regional District Fire Protection Standing Committee

12) Council proclaimed the week of February 18 to 24, 2013 as "Heritage Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy. Council and the community was encouraged to the Heritage Circles speaking event at the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin on February 23, 2013

13) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the Community Arts Council (CAC) for their BC Creative Communities "Branding the City with Art" Grant application for a street banner project and authorize a contribution of $2000 from the Communities in Bloom Reserve Fund to the CAC for this project, subject to approval of grant funding. Councillor Walters was also appointed by Council to sit on the proposed Selection Committee, in relation to this project

14) Council received for information a report from the City's Manager for Active Living concerning Family Day events being held February 11 and a letter of thanks be provided to the Province for its' $3,800 grant to make these events happen

15) Council adopted 4 Committee of the Whole Recommendations as follows:

a) Council direct Staff to proceed towards gathering public input on policy/bylaw development for Mobile Food Vending in Williams Lake by interviewing downtown businesses and possible food vendors, working with the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area and Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce, and report back to Council with the results - Councillor Danica Hughes was opposed

b) Council send a letter to MP Dick Harris, with copies to MLA’s Donna Barnett and Bob Simpson, MP Cathy McLeod and the Cariboo Regional District, requesting a meeting to discuss the importance of the Williams Lake Regional Airport receiving 100% funding from the Airport Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) for the 7,000 feet runway resurfacing project.

c) Council allocate $95,000 from the water fund to replace the ageing 100 mm cast iron water main located at 134 Yorston Street; and further, Council direct Staff to amend the 2013 water capital plan to include this project

d) Council approve the Whistle Blower Policy, as amended

16) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Heritage Legacy Fund application for the Sugar Cane Church Restoration Project. The request will also be forwarded to the Williams Lake Heritage Advisory Committee for their information

17) Council proclaimed Feb 23rd as "Rotary Day" in the City of Williams Lake

18) Council received In-Camera Report #2-2013 concerning appointments to the Williams Lake Community Forest General Partnership Ltd. and the allocation of the City's share of profits

19) Council received the "Council Information Package" as follows:

• January 22, 2013 - NCLGA re Measuring Up The North 2013 'Award of Excellence' Nominations;
• January 23, 2013 - City of Enderby re Letter to Minister of Health re Doctor Shortage in Enderby;
• January 24, 2013 - Wood Works BC re Thank You for Wood First Commitment;
• January 28, 2013 - NDIT Release re Web Portal Elevates Investment Opportunities in Cariboo-Chilcotin Coast;
• January 31, 2013 - Update on FCM's Rural Infrastructure Campaign;
• January 31, 2013 - Transitioning from Oil Dependency Conference in April 2013.

Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm and Council then convened a Closed (In-Camera) Meeting

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